I had attempted the same beer the weekend prior and milled the barley to 0.035" and the wheat to 0.026" but it was so bad I had to dump the batch. Both brews were done on a brewzilla and were my first brews on this system so lots of potential causes...
On my more familiar 3vHERMs, I've not had a batch stick milling around 0.035-0.040 with 100% barley. But wheat has ALWAYS caused issues for me when > about 15%.
pH was right where I wanted it at 5.6 during the Mash. Aimed high as this is the guidance I've seen for German Hefeweizens. Conversion was good as well inspite of the course grind but this is because I did a couple decoctions. I didn't want to rely on the built in RIMs in case I had the same issue as last weekend...
I'm at a bit of a loss trying to understand why I can't get wheat to flow properly. At this point I'm blaming it on the flour but given this
That can't be the only factor at play.
I think I'll just keep trying and eventually, hopefully, I'll figure it out