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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2007
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This is my 3rd batch that has this off flavor. Its a bready flavor, I have looked up bread flavors and it comes out as cold fermentation or wild yeast. I swear I sanitize everything and its only getting to 68 in the ferementor. Whats going on? Is there anyway to fix this batch or is it gone?
Yeah latest is the Amber Ale from More beer. Its been sitting in my kitchen for the last 10 days. I just tried it today and its bready. The last one I had do this was a apflewine. I really worry that my kids are playing with the fermentors.
On recommendation from the LHBS I never use a secondary.
How long is it sitting in primary? Not using a secondary won't cause problems (and using a secondary won't solve any).
Its been sitting for about 10 day in the primary.

For the Amber Ale I substituted the European Ale yeast for the California Ale. This was the first recipe I used a starter for.
Your problem is probably one of two things, either that the beer is still young, the "bready" flavor is probably a "yeasty" flavor, the yeast have not settled out fully, or the "bready" flavor (if you are thinking of wonder bread) could be the flavor of oxidation.
Thanks for the info Donasay. I don't think it could be those unfortunately. I had a 2 month old apflewein have this flavor, a braggot, and now this amber. They actaully get this flavor later in the fermentation. The amber tasted great last week now it has this flavor. The apflewein was smelling fine for 2 months then it had this smell and tasted strong.
Do you grind your grains in the same place where you ferment your beers, or store your grain in your fermentation bucket? The grains have natural yeast on them and if you get some of the ground grains in your brew you could have a contamination.
No everything I do is extract. I do have a bucket of Star San maybe its too old?
if you keep star san around you need to check the pH. if its too high, you need to recharge the solution with more star san or make a new batch.

10 days in primary is no way to judge a beer. and honestly a LHBS that says "never secondary" needs to learn a few things....however a lack of secondary is not the issue.

what yeast was used? were there any steeping grains??
It could be from the extract. Try using a different extract and see if that changes the flavor.
The extract is from morebeer and its the first time I have had theirs but the 3rd time I have had this flavor. Maybe its not bread but veggie flavor not sure. It was also is an aplewien I did so...

If its a contamination I don't think I can sanitize any better than I am doing. I am really at a loss. I have 1 more batch of ingredients on hand and after that I may have to put a hold on beer making this is just too hard to deal with.
Its clearly not contamination. I added sugar to both the braggot (well I added more honey) and the amber (1 cup of brown sugar) and the taste is gone. They both taste really good now. Could it be that the yeast got too cold?