Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm learning a lesson about trying to brew a belgian tripel without proper or precise temperature control. I brewed a 5 gallon batch of extract with OG of 1.070 and pitched 2 Wyeast 3787 packs at 68 degees. Used an aquarium heater set at 68 to keep the temps there because my basement ambient is now 60 degrees. A few hours later the car boy fermometer read 72 so I unplugged the heater and when I got up, the temps were down to 64. I put the heater back in because I was off work yesterday and could monitor the temps and I managed to keep it at 68 until I went to bed. got up at 5:00 AM and the temps were at 64 so I put the heater on again and when I got up for work, the temps were at 72 again. So I turned the heater off again and I guess when I get home tonight, the temps will be around mid 60's. Are these fluctuations within an acceptable range or what problems will they cause? Last evening was 24 hours after pitching and I needed a blowoff but when the temps had dropped overnight, it stopped blowing off. Thanks