Well-Known Member
What OS are you using right now?
Sure can...Ubuntu on Dell | Ubuntu just buy a machine with a blank HD and install the OS of your choosing.Windows here. I've never tried Linux because I usually buy a Dell system. I don't think you can get one without Windows yet.
Windows XP. It sucks but I don't have the time to learn Linux or the time to train SWMBO. :
Windows, Linux, and MacOS X, but you didn't have that option.
I am surprised that there is more Linux than Mac though.
Just think of Linux as MacOS without the fanboy tax. Both are based on Unix and generally use Unix compliant API's. Mac's just come with a larger price tag and a fancy looking box.
Mac OSX is based on BSD, not GNU/Linux. Even though they totally ripped off GNOME for the GUI, added some flashy graphics, and re-branded it.