What is the effect of a partial boil?

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Jan 7, 2008
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I am planning on making this alleged Oberon clone but do not yet have the capacity for a full boil. I am curious to know if there is anything that needs to be changed with a partial boil (2 gallon) vs. full. Also, would the be any negative effect by only doing a partial vs. full boil? Thanks.

If you're doing all grain, you'll need to collect about 6.5g minimum to get reasonable efficiency, and all of that will need to be boiled. If you can't do a full boil, you'll have to do a partial mash, or extract with steeping grains.
With a partial boil, you will boil a high gravity wort, which requires a higher hopping rate to achieve the same bitterness. With the price of hops at the moment, you may find it cheaper to buy a bigger kettle. :)
