What is the best way to remove O2 from keg?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
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I am new to this site and this is my first post.

I have 2 cornys on a 5gal Co2 system. I wanted ask the members what is the most efficient way to remove the oxygen from kegs before adding the beer.

You don't really need to. Some purge the keg with gas before filling. I just fill the keg up with beer, seal it with a burst of Co2, let it sit for a minute and release the gas via the pressure release valve. Repeat with some more Co2 and release again. Since O2 is lighter than Co2, it will rise to the top and bleed out leaving Co2 behind after 2-3 times.
Seal the keg with lid. Attach the C02 line to the "IN" post. Turn the C02 on to fill it to about 10 psi. Turn off the C02. Pull the release valve on the lid to release the pressure. Repeat 2 more times.

This is my specific method, 3 times a charm i say.
Connect to gas-in side, pull the vent or simply loosen the lid, run gas for 15 or 20 seconds and you'll have plenty of CO2 sitting in the bottom of the corny for transfering.

As you fill with beer, it will be sitting under the CO2; it and any remaining air will be displaced up and out as you fill.

As a final check and balance, purge with CO2 once full by connecting gas-in side, pulling the vent, and running the gas for a few seconds.

Good to go.
Seal the keg with lid. Attach the C02 line to the "IN" post. Turn the C02 on to fill it to about 10 psi. Turn off the C02. Pull the release valve on the lid to release the pressure. Repeat 2 more times.

This is my specific method, 3 times a charm i say.

I've done this in the past, but without the repeats. I find it painful to use that much CO2 for purging purposes. I think it's fine as long as there's some CO2 blanketing the bottom. I also purge after filling and sealing about 3-5 times. Doesn't take that much CO2 because the headspace is small.
I've done this in the past, but without the repeats. I find it painful to use that much CO2 for purging purposes. I think it's fine as long as there's some CO2 blanketing the bottom. I also purge after filling and sealing about 3-5 times. Doesn't take that much CO2 because the headspace is small.

I'm pretty sure you do the same thing as I do...that's all I am doing. I purge after filling. I don't purge before filling, guess I left that part out lol
I just give it a quick purge with CO2. Just a 2-3 second hit at whatever the tank is set at 8-12psi then open the valve after a few seconds. You can usually see a fog down in the bottom of the keg and it’s good to go. But to be honest 70% of the time I forget to purge it first and I have never noticed a difference in taste or had a storage issue with a non prefilled purged keg and a purged keg. As long as you don’t splash like a madman while filling the keg the beer will push it out with little absorption. The only time I feel it’s necessary to purge the keg is after filling and before you move it if you’re going to condition the beer or if you’re using the keg as a secondary since it’s very easy to shake and splash a full keg.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate your responses. Sounds quite simple so I will try your suggestions next kegging.

Thanks again...
I've been having some oxidation issues in my kegged beers. I'm trying to purge the keg by...

Clean and sanitize keg...
Gas on the IN, Picnic Faucet on the out...
Seal the Keg and turn upside down...
Turn on the gas and open the Picnic faucet letting it run until I see cloudiness in the line...
Close the Faucet, turn off the gas, and either use or store.

My thought is that I could fill this purged keg at any time by hooking up one end of a siphon line to the beer in and opening the pressure relief valve and I should have a (mostly) O2 free transfer.
I fill the keg with sanitizing solution (StarSan) and then push it into another keg with CO2. This leaves the corny keg cleaned, sanitized and full of CO2.

The idea that CO2 will "push" any other gas is a fallacy. That's just not how gas works.
I fill the keg with sanitizing solution (StarSan) and then push it into another keg with CO2. This leaves the corny keg cleaned, sanitized and full of CO2.

The idea that CO2 will "push" any other gas is a fallacy. That's just not how gas works.

In that case this sounds like a decent idea.

My only question is how much sanitizer is left behind when you do this? I know the diptube doesn't quite get everything out when you drain a keg. I wouldn't want my beer to taste like Idaphor.
I fill the keg with sanitizing solution (StarSan) and then push it into another keg with CO2. This leaves the corny keg cleaned, sanitized and full of CO2.

The idea that CO2 will "push" any other gas is a fallacy. That's just not how gas works.

This is what I do as well, I figure it kills two birds with one stone.
In that case this sounds like a decent idea.

My only question is how much sanitizer is left behind when you do this? I know the diptube doesn't quite get everything out when you drain a keg. I wouldn't want my beer to taste like Idaphor.

Which is probably why he uses StarSan. :D

(j/k - I have been told that Smart@$$ is one of the few things I speak fluently)

I would think nearly all of the sanitizer gets pushed out. I would immagine that by pushing it from the keg using CO2, there is not a lot of foam left behind. What doesn't get pushed out is probably about the same amount as what would be left over if he were to do it the more traditional way and rack directly on the foam.
I suppose before filling it, I could always turn the keg upside down, pull the relief valve and sanitize it while letting out the last of the sanitizer.
Pressurize the keg to 10 psi with CO2 and bleed it, 3 times. Then counter pressure fill. The idea that CO2 and O2 stratify like oil and water is false. Get the O2 out of there.
I connect the gas QD to the liquid (OUT) post and purge with the relief valve open. This pushes it out from the bottom towards the top. I agree that these gases don't stratify like oil/water and do mix. I'm not trying to get it all out anyway, that would take too much gas. But air is only 20.9% O2 and once we purge it a bit we're probably up to the point of diminishing returns (or maybe well past it).

Yeah, it's a bit difficult to get the QD on/off (I don't push it all the way on, just enough for gas to flow) but it has always worked, never got stuck, and those QDs are still leak tight on the gas IN post.
In that case this sounds like a decent idea.

My only question is how much sanitizer is left behind when you do this? I know the diptube doesn't quite get everything out when you drain a keg. I wouldn't want my beer to taste like Idaphor.
Not much at all. Of course it depends on how low the diptube goes.
I remember a brew club posted an experiment they did with a little iodohor in beer and it didn't change the flavor at all.
Thanks a million guys for all your suggestions.

It seems to me that SpanishCastleAle's suggestion makes a lot of sense. Since I don't want to use a lot of CO2 (I only have a 5lb container) it would make sense that, since CO2 is heaver than air, to add some using the "OUT" valve and have it hover at the bottom of the keg. Slowly filling the keg from the bottom first and use the liquid to push the CO2 and O2 out the top of the keg seems like it would work well.

I'll try your suggestion SpanishCastleAle...
