What I would like to teach my 18 yr old self -- or How anyone can have less stress.

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May 13, 2022
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One of my semi-retirement side gigs was working for a certain hardware store chain. I say 'semi' because I really don't like the R-word. Retirement seems to kill people early. Also seems to be a bit scammy, to get the competent-'though-grey crowd out of the job pool in the same way we use high school and college to keep the wet-behind-ears crowd out.

I'd spend time in the breakroom quietly snacking on something or reading, and listening to the conversations. And being retail, pay for non-mgmt and many lower managers was, um, meager for many. I'd hear a lot of misconceptions or misinformation about wealth, money management, and life lessons. While work duties were often a source of frustration, the larger source was usually based or caused by lifestyle and cashflow. So occasionally I'd ask that question to see what it sparked -- even to the 19 yr olds: What I would like to teach my 18 yr old self?

How would you answer?
What I would like to teach my 18 yr old self?

interesting....when i was 18 i decided to put 'serious' effort into trying to enjoy working...good descision....and on that i decided to never get any credit cards, another good descion...seems i watch a lot of 60-70 year olds these days getting bent over by bankers...

but on the topic of what i'd teach your 18 year old self... 🤔 at 18 should 'know' and it'd be don't let the rock man spin you!

edit: i'd want to include on the rock man part....don't let em scare you TOO much!
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I like all of these. My semi-R retail stint really opened my eyes to how institutionally twisted our corporate 'values' have become. Far too much 'feed the shareholder' and no vision for how feeding the staff, the customers, and the community would equate to longer-term real benefit for all four stakeholders. Public-facing work is phenomenally difficult -- it's kidding around to blurt out 'you want fries with that' or 'paper or plastic'? Except in a way we're mocking those who have to say it -- a non-glamorous way of earning a buck.

Likewise, bling of any kind (usually with debt) is is sold as sexy with vapid marketing, lifestyles of 'influencers', and even certain 'leaders'. My independently-wealthy friends didn't get a million dollars from daddy or have three sportscars -- they spent less than they made, invested the rest (in their businesses, real estate, and paper investments). No debt - no doubt.

Sitting in the breakroom, chatting with a young gal with a different upbringing and culture, discovering what they didn't absorb in school, and the choices they make that really self-harms was kind of crushing to witness.
What would I teach my 18 year old self?
  • Fitness and diet
  • Confidence without arrogance
  • The time value of money
  • Just go ahead and ask her to dance.
  • Better math skills
My 18 YO self was a full time college student, carrying 16-18 credits a semester, and working 6-10 hours a day in a service station. My my 42 and 46 YO children were full time college students, with part time jobs, at 18. My 18 and 22 YO oldest grandsons are full time college students with part time jobs. I don’t know if we’re doing it right, but the apples haven’t fallen far from the tree. :cool:
If it smells like fish eat it, if it smells like provolone leave it alone
I could give my 18 year old self lots of good advice;... romantic, financial, motor vehicle. Pretty sure he would not listen to me.

I'd also like to give him a dope slap on general principals. I'm pretty sure he could not take me on,.. the wimp.

I probably would not want to mess with my 30 year old self that way, at my current age. On the other hand, that guy would be more likely to listen to some of my advice.

If one now had one access to past time communication with self, at what age would you take it? Or maybe you'd decide not to take it?

If ones younger self really trusted they were meeting themselves, I suppose that would help.

A few years ago, I was driving along and saw a distinctive old truck very much like one I owned 30 years ago, got me to thinking what I would actually do if I could meet my younger self.

Fun aside, that sort of thing can be a bit of a dark road, perhaps with self recrimination. One thing I've learned and tried to practice; best to look forward and live in the present when one can. But without the memories, we would never learn from our mistakes.

Happy Thursday, party on kids....
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If you have the chance to raise kids, tell them this. Yes, it's Desiderata. It's my bible. It guided me through raising my 3 kids (2 doctors and 1 nurse).

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
wait less stress? is that an addition to the title?

being that i didn't have credit card debt at 18....when i moved out, and had bills to pay i decided i didn't like it? so naturaly my child brain decided to stop....and i was 24-26 or something, and knew that'd take some crafty work. so idecided when i get bill they tell me how much THEY owe me, and start over paying...to me it won me a bit of thinking space, and could brush them off if 'i wasn't in the mood'...instead of them having me jumping on coals...what a stress reliver...

worked great till they told me they didn't want to owe ME money, i had to hook them up with a prostitute checking account, that i just pimp out to them....
What I would like to teach my 18 yr old self?
No so much 'teach' as 'reinforce':

  • Rarely is there an 'undo' button.

  • If the consequences of the action fall only on you: Trust but verify before acting

  • Some situations/events do so much damage they can not be forgiven.

  • "Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice? shame on me ain't no one got time for that".
i know i beat this to death around here, but something CRON-O-Meter, and this:

you can avoid getting screwed by pharmaceutical companys, and vitamin peddlers....

i inveseted 6-7 months into learning it...definatly worth the effort, my excersie routine consists of about 5 minutes of brain work every day figuring out what to eat by the science now....

edit: OT but still would help 'ME' be less stressed, anyone got a good recipe for 112g's of spinach, i'm thinking gotta be cooked to condense to an edible size...german greens i loved as a kid.... (drinking this sugar wash, yes i'm taking a break from brewing. doesn't supply me with enough folate :()
i know i beat this to death around here, but something CRON-O-Meter, and this:

you can avoid getting screwed by pharmaceutical companys, and vitamin peddlers....

i inveseted 6-7 months into learning it...definatly worth the effort, my excersie routine consists of about 5 minutes of brain work every day figuring out what to eat by the science now....

edit: OT but still would help 'ME' be less stressed, anyone got a good recipe for 112g's of spinach, i'm thinking gotta be cooked to condense to an edible size...german greens i loved as a kid.... (drinking this sugar wash, yes i'm taking a break from brewing. doesn't supply me with enough folate :()
THAT's a really neat website. My background is biochem, so drawn to textbooks on this stuff. But such a simple search engine -- thank you.
Gotta go mow the lawn. Podcasts lined up for the chore:
