Cleaned up the remaining residue of my WCIPA leak
Sorted out my hop fridge so I at least have my New World and Old World hops stored together. Updated my Brewfather inventory so that it's vaguely accurate.
Put in a big Malt Miller order, circa £120. Mostly hops- Amarillo LupoMAX, Azacca LupoMAX, Citra LupoMAX, Columbus LupoMAX, plus some more Strata and Sabro. I also picked up a selection of WHC yeasts including some of their new biotransformative low attenuating session hazy yeasts and their thermotolerant yeast which I'm going to give a try in a mountain style DIPA.
Wrote recipe for said DIPA. Targeting 8% and 1.014 FG. 85% base malt, 7% invert, 6% Munich and 2% Crystal T50. Columbus and Citra LupoMAX in the boiler with Citra, Columbus and absolutely tonnes of Strata in the whirlpool and dry hop, targeting 8-10g/L for each.
Also wrote a recipe for an Amarillo hopped Strong Bitter which I suspect might be a fun riff on my usual First Gold based ones. 5%, 1.012 FG, 88% floor malted MO, 5% wheat, 5% T50 and 2% biscuit.
Later I'll clean up a couple of kegs and my all rounder which I lazily left the trub of my Westie in for two weeks. One keg had Brett Brux in it for six months and everything that's gone in it since has picked up a slightly funky edge when stored on the warmer side so I need to give that one a properly deep clean.
I also need to replenish my Sodastream supply. I really should move to a big CO2 tank and save myself some money...