What I did for beer today

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Removed labels from about two dozen bottles then bottled a SMaSH Pale Ale. Popped a Smoked Porter I bottled two weeks ago to see how it's coming. Seems to be carbing fine, one more week then down to the cellar. Tastes great, even semi flat.

Oh, and moved the bottles out of the guest bedroom in anticipation of a visit from Mom.

"I will make it felony to drink small beer. "
Did you use about half as much priming sugar as you would to bottle?

Not today, but last night I checked on my all brett beer. 1.050og down to 1.012 in 12 days. Gonna let it sit around another month and bottle if stable.

I did. I used 2 3/4 ounces to just over 5 gallons of beer.
I've just recently used a stir plate for the first time, and there was no stage recognizable as "high krausen." The stirring actually kept anything like krausen or even foam from building up. What am I missing or doing wrong?

I always noticed the lack of krausen on my stir plated starters except for this last time i got a small amount. I had it spinning slower and that seems to have not mixed it in as much. No harm no foul, the amount of yeast definitely increases so it is still doing its job.

Thats sad :( whats wrong with people??

At least they went to a good home. A place that appreciates them. I wish I could come upon a find like that.
Successfully bought Dark Lord Day tickets! I feel lucky, given that the new ticket sales website started queuing people something like 10 minutes before it was supposed to go on sale. My friends and I were all trying at the same time, and only two out of five of us were successful.
I cleaned and delabled all my bottles, went and got a milk chocolate stout ingrediants, then got 3 lbs of strawberries and froze them, so i can make it a strawberry chocolate stout.
I love stuck sparges, and clogged pumps... can you sense the sarcasm?

Today was the worst brew day, I've probably ever had. Almost everything that could go wrong, did. Took forever.
Finally got the budget managed to get a 10 gal false bottom mash tun. That should make life a little easier.
Finally got the budget managed to get a 10 gal false bottom mash tun. That should make life a little easier.

Sounds kinda like me. I got yet another "lower your mortgage" things in my e-mail today. The loan company that now owns Jacobs arena in Cleveland btw. It looks like I'll save over $640! Finally,I can get to work on the car,kitchen & man cave! :ban:
Adjusted my Blichmann burner for my new 15 gal BK. Also calibrated the volume levels so I can create permanent graduation marks.

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Picked up ingredients for the IPA I'll brew on Saturday (Huzzah! The LHBS had Simcoe and Citra in stock!) and got the 1272 starter going.
Got an email response from a very well respected prof brewer in reply to my random email seeking him out and nicely begging him for one of his recipes of a beer that I love. Didn't really expect a reply so I was thrilled - he gave me something "really close" - then I bought and spent some time playing with Beersmith to play with and scale down the recipe...
I am hopefully going to brainstorm an inexpensive fix to keep my vinator spring (which is all kinked, need to get a replacement for that as well) from bending sideways and getting kinked during use. If its badass, I will post it in the DIY. Testing today, then an order to Mcmaster for a PTFE tube. I almost might go with stainless.

Use a 3/4" copper pipe union. Fits perfectly around the base that the spring sits on. Works flawlessly! The starsan keeps it bright an shiny too.
Making my ice blocks tonight to use in my Black IPA I will be brewing tomorrow and freezing the bottles to use in cooling my swamp cooler.
I moved a bottle of the IIPA i bottled last week to the fridge this morning for me to have after work tonight. I know it's early and it won't be fully carbed but I want to see how it's progressing.
went to a newly opened liquor store..
The "beer Cave" was filled with ice cold Budweiser and Coors. But the isles where filled with American Craft brews. I was overwhelmed on the variety.
I only wished they arranged the beer by style and not brand.
Locked in my recipe for German Alt and ordered ingredients.

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Poured my IIPA after a week in the bottle. Man is it good. It made a small head, as expected, but laced a little. A ton of hop flavor and aroma w a solid malt backbone and a little boozy note due to the high alcohol content (9.3%).
I planned on bottling two batches today. Didn't do it. Friends came over, had a new mattress delivered, kids were restless. I'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my Beer Day. I hope to bottle 10 gallons of beer and brew a barleywine. An American Barleywine. I love doing those. If I had time to brew two of them I would. I keep telling myself, "Brew it this weekend so you can be drinking it by next September".
Ground grains, measured/weighed water additives, cleaned up cooling/transfer area and generally prepared for a... wait for it... brew day this weekend!! :mug: :ban:
Worked 1/2 a day (12 hours) on my day off to offset 3~$500 unexpected bills. One of those bills is having a refrigeration repairman come and repair a freon line that I kinked in my "new" to me 2 door reach in freezer. I just happen to have an extra STC 1000. Now I'm close to getting a guys all grain set up off Craigs list. Brewed 2 extract batches, have 2 more kits then on to all grain, as long as nothing else creeps up...:mug: Now to find some reasonable kegs.
Used my new false bottom tun. Man that thing makes life nice and easy. Highly recommended from OBK who was also awesome to do business with. Also the first time I actually hit my OG while following the mash instructions, instead of topping it up with extract or adding an extra kilo to the grist. Life is good.
I finally went to Blowes and got some shelves to organize my fermenters and brew equipment in the basement. I think they'll like it better down there. I know SWMBO will.

I also picked up the hardware to finish my hop spider. This should make brew day easier and make the wort cleaner.

And cleaned up the beer fridge. Drips and drops had accumulated and it was time for a spring cleaning. PBW works great on those spills.

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Bottled my first brew. Brewers Best Red Ale. Now the wait to try some.

Racking to bottle bucket
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First bottle.
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Cleaned 60 bottles that have been sitting around for 15 years. Lots of dead spiders in them bad boys.

Now they are resting in a 20 gallon bucket full of star-San and will be ready for bottling in the morning. I am very excited to bottle the first batch in 15 years and also the first batch with my son.
Gravity reading and transfer on my hard rootbeer clocking in at 10% then made a mix of hydro sample and cherry coke and it's going to be amazing
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