What I did for beer today

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
Reaction score
West Coast, MI
This is a thread intended for anyone that does anything related to home brewing. You can post any thing you want as long as it was what you did today. What I did was make a Stout. If you made a chiller, brew pot, ordered hops, ordered grain, brewed a beer, made your first beer, whatever... what did you do for beer today?
Nice idea. So here is what I did for beer today... Checked to see if my White IPA had a stable FG, tasted my RIS to see if the Oak and Chili was coming through enough yet and swirled my IIPA gently to recirculate yeast. Since I work in a "LHBS" (part of a liquor store" I helped a newer brewer by swapping out his Coopers dry yeast with a better dry option for the style and helped a first time brewer diagnose his lack of carbonation issue on his first brew. Solution to that one, conditioned cold from the start... The when I came home, I made a "to do" list for the rest of the week for my beers; get oranges for zesting for White IPA, dry hop White IPA, get 1 more oz. Amarillo for dry hopping White IPA, add turkey baster full of Ancho chili "tea" to RIS, check all temps of 20 fermenting/conditioning gallons, and start Pacman starter for step-up for Rye IPA.

Now relaxing with 2 new IPA's; Rocky Mountain from Ft. Collins and Indica from Lost Coast, not a bad beer day. I love my job and beer...
Just checked in on my american wheat. It is happily bubbling away in the fermentation chamber though the krausen is starting to fall and it is slowing... right on time. Not much time to do brew-stuff during the week.
Nice idea. So here is what I did for beer today... Checked to see if my White IPA had a stable FG, tasted my RIS to see if the Oak and Chili was coming through enough yet and swirled my IIPA gently to recirculate yeast. Since I work in a "LHBS" (part of a liquor store" I helped a newer brewer by swapping out his Coopers dry yeast with a better dry option for the style and helped a first time brewer diagnose his lack of carbonation issue on his first brew. Solution to that one, conditioned cold from the start... The when I came home, I made a "to do" list for the rest of the week for my beers; get oranges for zesting for White IPA, dry hop White IPA, get 1 more oz. Amarillo for dry hopping White IPA, add turkey baster full of Ancho chili "tea" to RIS, check all temps of 20 fermenting/conditioning gallons, and start Pacman starter for step-up for Rye IPA.

Now relaxing with 2 new IPA's; Rocky Mountain from Ft. Collins and Indica from Lost Coast, not a bad beer day. I love my job and beer...

Nice busy day! I brewed up an amber and enjoyed some cali common that just carbed up.
read another chapter of designing great beers.

Picked up this book from the library before I had my first batch down, thought it would be like brewing instruction. Turns out it's useless for a noob! But I can see how it would be good for someone who, go figure, wants to design a great beer.
Gave my 500ml Pacman starter that I made last night a hug and wished it a good day before I headed off to work. He's growing up so fast!! Will be a 2liter starter by Saturday and will probably start ignoring me, think he knows it all and end up knocking up some skanky belgain strain before I know it.
Picked up this book from the library before I had my first batch down, thought it would be like brewing instruction. Turns out it's useless for a noob! But I can see how it would be good for someone who, go figure, wants to design a great beer.

Even if using someone else's recipes, the fundamentals are extremely helpful to understand how to make adjustments on brew day if your numbers aren't right. Not so much of an issue with extract, but critical for all grain, imo. But totally agree - probably not the first book you should read :)

Great thread idea -
Today I figured out that by simply removing the removable shelves in my mini fridge I have more than enough space for my 6g carboy. Boom - fermentation chamber. Can't believe I never tried that before.
I've got in touch with a club member to order some hops together. Can't wait to get my hands on a lb of Citra! Checked my fermenter before work to make sure my light bulb(heat source) hasn't burned out. It's in the 40's today and will be in the 20's tonight.
Purged the pressure on a keg of fermenting Christmas Ale that had stalled. It sounded like it was rapidly building pressure again just as it was purged, and I stupidly opened the valve to let it out (being in a hurry to leave for work) and it sprayed beer on my pant leg.

Yes, the sound of the keg rapidly re-pressurizing was the beer inside foaming up!
Gave my 500ml Pacman starter that I made last night a hug and wished it a good day before I headed off to work. He's growing up so fast!! Will be a 2liter starter by Saturday and will probably start ignoring me, think he knows it all and end up knocking up some skanky belgain strain before I know it.

"Can I borrow the car?"
Before I went to work I applied another clear coat to a wood inlay that will hold my mash tun. When I got to work I finished drilling out the holes for my HLT for a valve and sight glass (I just built a new stand and use to only use 2 vessels) and tonight I will most likely prime my control panel arm so I can set up my control panel and do a shake down brew on Sat night to get all the bugs out. I need to test a few things to see if I need to weld additional plates on my rig.
At work right now, but off tomorrow, so plan to have a few tonight :) Checked my two brown ales and IIPA, bubbling has just about stopped and FG is very close as of a couple days ago. Gave my kegged IPA a shot of CO2.
Gave my 500ml Pacman starter that I made last night a hug and wished it a good day before I headed off to work. He's growing up so fast!! Will be a 2liter starter by Saturday and will probably start ignoring me, think he knows it all and end up knocking up some skanky belgain strain before I know it.

Man that is funny. I checked my air locks for good levels hate winter cause my vodka evaporate's to quick
Stopped at my LHBS and bought a pound each of Caramel 80 and roasted barley and 3 packages of dry yeast. Talked to one of the workers there and special ordered 50 lbs of brewers 2-row and 10 lbs of red wheat malt. Looked at buckets at Walmart and Home Depot to see if they would work into my brewing and decided not. Checked on my spiced winter warmer that I made yesterday to find it bubbling away quite rapidly considering the room it is in is at 60 degrees and I used Munton's dry yeast. Gave an opinion on substituting malt extract from Breiss for the extract from Mr. Beer in another forum and thought about having a brew with my lunch but decided that I had things to do that precluded that so I will wait and have one with my dinner. Spent some time thinking about what to brew next when one of my 3 fermenters is finally empty again and worried about the hop combination for the pale ale that is still fermenting. Whew! I think I have had a full day already and I haven't started reading a book about beer.:p
I took advantage of a little extra room in the autoclave at work and got my plate chiller sterilized for the next batch.
Great thread and I'm glad I found it since my wife really just doesn't care about my work in the realm of science. Yet she will sure as hell drink it.

I got my CO2 tank and my nitrogen tank filled. I also purchased ingredients for an Irish Red I am brewing tomorrow.
My grain came in for the next two batches after the Trappist I am doing this weekend. I love opening a big heavy box full of freshly crushed grain, sticking my face in it and taking a deep breath.
Vowed never to post in threads that are designed to go on forever and ever in a pointless endeavor to fill the Internet with more words.

Oops. Damn.
What did I do for beer today? I got stuck in the middle of three long rants at the top of this very forum today. i've earned at least 4 or 5 beers & a dozen shots...:drunk:
I haven't done anything yet, except this post. Later tonight I plan on drinking beer, but to put it into the context, I plan on sampling my latest batch of homebrew, an American IPA. It is almost a full 3 weeks into bottle conditioning. It was quite tasty at 2 weeks.
I took advantage of a little extra room in the autoclave at work and got my plate chiller sterilized for the next batch.

Thats awesome. I'm an ortho. tech. and work in a busy orthopaedic office. If I started putting my brewing stuff in our autoclave I can only imagine the stern talking to I'd get.

I just ordered the ingredients to make Yoopers House Pale Ale.
I started my last step in my 1056 (wash yeast) starter for tomorrows brew session.
Went to the local dairy and bought eight 5 gallon buckets for $1.50 each.
Stopped at the dollar store and got 4 containers to store my specialty grains.

Tomorrow I hope to get two 15 gallon SS pots. Craigslist buy.
Picked up this book from the library before I had my first batch down, thought it would be like brewing instruction. Turns out it's useless for a noob! But I can see how it would be good for someone who, go figure, wants to design a great beer.

I disagree. Being a "noob" you should stick your nose in this book until you understand it. I wish I had 3 years ago.

If there is anything that you dont quite understand, there are tons of people here willing to explain it in an easy to get fashion.

FWIW, I got a lot out of the chapter about paying attention to Gravity Units. Its soo nice to not have to worry about hitting my numbers anymore. If you can do 3rd grade math, you can do this!
Read around 40 pages of brewing history for my aptly names college course: History of Beer and Brewing.

(and didn't drink a single beer because this weekend is going to be a boozy one...)
Brewed 5.5 gallons of IPA... Transfered my PA lager to a carboy post diacetyl rest... Bought some red oak 2x6's for my keezer build.
Got in a shipment that included grains, hops, and yeast today. Hopefully I will brew my first porter this weekend. I need to bottle my Cream of 3 Crops that has been in the fermenter for 3 weeks to free up the fermenter first. Looks like it may be a busy Saturday!
Bought grain, hops, yeast, and adjuncts. Starting the starter tomorrow for the brew day on Saturday.
So just got done checking my cold steep coffee mix for my coffee Stout I am doing. Them added yeast to my friends Berry wine he lives in an apartment and I have to Ed of space so he brews at my place. Wrote out the calander for the rest of the month and half of Feb. checked my kegs to see how hard we will have to work to get ready for the new beer that needs a spot. This is going to be a good weekend but stay focused it is a job if we don't empty a keg we can't try a different beer.