What can I expect from this recipe?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
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My House
Hey! I got some stuff from the LHBS. I had other plans, but when I saw they had Cascade, I made some spur of the moment changes...hope this will be a good tasting beer. Im not sure what to expect tho. I have never used Biscuit Malt, so can anyone give me a heads up on what this will be like?

Also, I have 10lbs of 2-Row, cuz it comes in 5lb bags from there, so I could do more of that, but I didn't want this beer to be very strong...originally shooting for around 1.050.

Mash will be Single Infusion at ~156.


EDIT: Reduced the 2-Row to 8 lbs. Played around with Hop additions...more flavor, less aroma.
It sounds like a very nice beer! I bet I'd drink it up.

Just to comment on style, your IBUs are a bit low for your OG to get the common APA balance, especially in light of the higher mash temperature, but not so much that it'll be a weird beer or anything like that. It'll just be maltier than you might find most APAs. If that's what you're looking for, you're right on top of it. That biscuit malt also will add some very pleasant complexity.

Personally, I like to make flavor additions at 15 minutes, rather than 20, and I've had some experience with Cascades here. Their flavor seems to peak at around 15 minutes. If I were only using a half ounce for that addition, I would try to squeeze out all the flavor I could. :)

Keep us up on this one. It sounds great.

Thanks for the info.

About the 20 minute addition...I did that do get a couple more IBUs out of em, but maybe it isn't worth it. Maybe I should do like 1.25 oz at 60 mins and .75 at 5 minutes or something...I dunno, I could only get 2oz of the Cascades. I do have 1oz of EKGs tho, but Im not sure if they'd fit in here.

Also, I am going for a maltier type beer than a normal APA. That's why I bumped up the Mash Temp and used the Crystal 60 vs something lighter. We shall see.

Should I move around the hop additions to get a few more IBUs or just do 15 and 1 for the flavor/aroma?

I'm no APA/IPA/PA expert (i'm not a hop head) I definitely agree with TexLaw that the IBU's seem low for an APA.

I'd suggest dry hopping later, as that will help a little to balance the sweetness of the FG and make it a little more true to style.

I'm sure it'll be fine.
I like the 15 and 1 minute addition for the Cascades. You'll get a fairly complex profile there, despite the compromises you have to make. If you really want more Cascades character, or even just a few more IBUs, you could use some EKG for bittering and save the Cascades for later additions or dry hopping. EKG for bittering shouldn't make for a weird beer.

EKG is getting pretty dadgum precious, though, too! See if your LHBS will let you buy an ounce of something else you can use for bittering (or are they under one of those 2oz. moratoria?)

On the balance, 30-35 IBUs sounds like a good range for something malter. It's always a trial, though. :)

If you can get some, galena is an excellent bittering hop. It's pretty neutral in flavour and is high AA%. I've switched most of my recipes to galena for bittering so the more expensive hops can be used just for flavour and aroma.

The recipe itself looks tasty, you'll love what the biscuit malt gives you. Munch a few grains and compare it with your crystal malt and 2-row.
I like it.

I agree that the Cascade at 15 will give a bit more flavor, but the diff between 15 and 20 is pretty small...especially if you're using the typical IM chiller and taking 20-30 minutes to chill the wort.

One thing I would do with your last additon, hydrate those hops in a large glass of water before tossing in. This will make sure you can flame out at 1-minute and that you've shocked out all the flavor/aroma that you can before chilling.



Hey BierMuncher, I read your other thread about rehydrating the hops. Have you had a beer that you tried this methon on, or did you just start doing it?

Well, this is probably the finest beer I have made. Only my 4th AG Batch tho :)

The Beer was in the Primary for 18 days, then I bottled it. It has been in the bottles for only 15 days when I tasted one...and it was great. Crystal clear....I was stunned at how clear it was...I've never made one so clear.

Oh, and can we raise an altar to Cascade hops or something?

The beer is very smooth. I think I got that by finally putting some control on my fermentation temps(water and frozen bottles). Many of my beers have more esters and alcohol taste because of the temps, but this one is fantastic.

You can definitely taste Hops. The hop aroma isn't there so much, but I wanted more flavor...and only had a limited amount of hops. It's pretty balanced tho and it has a nice Caramel flavor and a 'bready' taste.

I absolutely love it...I am going to brew this again on my next batch if I can still find Cascades!!!

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