What beer/homebrew blogs/magazines do you read?

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Feb 10, 2004
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What beer/wine/homebrewing blogs, e-zines, newsletters or magazines do you read?
BYO and listen to Homebrew Bound as well as the Hombrew Happy Hour podcasts.
It's a long list, but here goes: Zymurgy, BYO, Ales of the Riverwards, AHA, Appellation Beer, Beer Street Journal, Beer Advocate, BeerPulse, BeerSmith, Beervana, brouwerij-chugach, Brulosophy, Embrace The Funk, Experimental Homebrewing, Farmhouse Beer Blog, Home Brew Talk, HomeBrew Finds, Hors Catégorie Brewing, Mad Fermentationist, Scott Janish, Sour Beer Blog, The Beer Babe, The Farmhouse Obsession, The Modern Brew House (Low Oxygen Brewing). These are just e-magazines and RSS subscriptions, adding in email subscriptions... Doug Piper's Gourmet Brewing, Hop Queries, Hop Culture, BJCP Newsletter, Reddit r/Homebrewing. I'm sure I'm missing some, but this is probably more that what you're looking for.
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From my "beer" folder in Inoreader:

A Ph.D. in Beer A Ph.D. in Beer - A Study of Beer and Fermentation Science
American Homebrewers Association How to Brew Beer | Homebrewers Association
BeerSmith Home Brewing Home Brewing Blog by BeerSmith™ - Making Beer at Home
Bootleg Biology Bootleg Biology
Brewer's Friend Brewer's Friend - Homebrew Beer Recipes, Calculators, and Forum
Brouwer's Cafe Brouwer's Cafe
Brülosophy Brülosophy
Cascade Brewers Guild Cascade Brewers Guild | Seattle's Premiere Eastside Homebrewing Club
Draught Beer – Brewers Association Brewers Association | Promoting Independent Craft Brewers
Fountain City Brewery Fountain City Brewery
Kegerator.com Learning Center Kegerator Learning Center: Everything You Want To Know About Beer
Malt & Vine Updates Best Website Builder Online | Yoursite
The Mad Fermentationist - Homebrewing Blog http://www.themadfermentationist.com/
Untappd https://blog.untappd.com/
Washington Beer Blog http://www.washingtonbeerblog.com/

Also an American Homebrewers Association member, so get emails & Zymurgy from them.

Probably got some podcasts on my radar as well.
What beer/wine/homebrewing blogs, e-zines, newsletters or magazines do you read?

In years past, I've purchased BYO off the rack but never had a subscription. I've been inactive for a few years but I'm planning to brew something big once the pandemic is over. Gives me time to plan.
Recipie books and Instagram posts. The rest of the time I am working "freestyle".

Adam.ray.beer on Instagram
130 new wine making recipies from CCJ Berry
From my "beer" folder in Inoreader:

A Ph.D. in Beer A Ph.D. in Beer - A Study of Beer and Fermentation Science
American Homebrewers Association How to Brew Beer | Homebrewers Association
BeerSmith Home Brewing Home Brewing Blog by BeerSmith™ - Making Beer at Home
Bootleg Biology Bootleg Biology
Brewer's Friend Brewer's Friend - Homebrew Beer Recipes, Calculators, and Forum
Brouwer's Cafe Brouwer's Cafe
Brülosophy Brülosophy
Cascade Brewers Guild Cascade Brewers Guild | Seattle's Premiere Eastside Homebrewing Club
Draught Beer – Brewers Association Brewers Association | Promoting Independent Craft Brewers
Fountain City Brewery Fountain City Brewery
Kegerator.com Learning Center Kegerator Learning Center: Everything You Want To Know About Beer
Malt & Vine Updates Best Website Builder Online | Yoursite
The Mad Fermentationist - Homebrewing Blog The Mad Fermentationist - Homebrewing Blog
Untappd Blog - Untappd
Washington Beer Blog - Beer news and information for Washington, the Northwest, and Beyond

Also an American Homebrewers Association member, so get emails & Zymurgy from them.

Probably got some podcasts on my radar as well.

Great list, I'll check some of these out! I was considering adding Untappd, but forgot they have a blog as well. I missed Bootleg Biology and Brewers Friend completely.
I'm mostly active on social media and get my info off the web. Can't really be bothered with reading magazines anymore.
Looking forward to seeing others' replies, find some new sources! My fave until it was discontinued was Beer Advocate. It had bumped Zymurgy, which is again my fave. I also love BYO, neck and neck with Z.