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Ummm... Methinks someone needs to recount. Considering the fact that, you know, book 14 is out later this year. ;)

Or do you plan on skipping the Sanderson ones that close out the series? If so, I'd beg you to reconsider; the pacing on them is great, the writing mostly consistent with Jordan's, and it finishes the G-D story!!! My only complaint is that in the first of his works, he screwed up the charatcerization of one of the main characters - but he swung back on course with his second, and I suspect with the upcoming conclusion too.

Me, I'm reading Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy and listening to the third book in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files in audiobook format...
right now I'm reading Fight Club and World War Z, along with 7 different textbooks at any given time.

I love palahniuk. Rant was one of my all time favorite books, I went and read it twice without even stopping.
I read a lot of biographies but am currently reading Lord of the Rings.
Ummm... Methinks someone needs to recount. Considering the fact that, you know, book 14 is out later this year. ;)

Yes, you are correct. I forgot about the 2 "extra" books. When I first started reading them it was supposed to like 8 book, then 10, then 12...

However, if we really want to get to discuss reality, I'll be honest and say there is a very small chance I'll read all of those books! I read in the bathroom, and in bed at night, and sometimes in the car when I'm waiting for the kids to get out of dance.

If the pace can keep up with the first few books, no problem, but my experience from reading them the first time is that they get almost convoluted. I can't keep track any anything and nothing is interesting as a result.

But I am re-reading them for 2 reasons and one of them is to see how the later books fare. So I should probably stick with it.
Just got done with The Count of Monte Cristo unabridged. Almost done with Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises. And just started War and Peace.
Just started reading The Hobbit to my 4 year old son. As fast as he falls asleep, we may have it done by the time the movie comes out in December.
Just got done with The Count of Monte Cristo unabridged. Almost done with Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises. And just started War and Peace.

I finished War and Peace a few months ago and I was surprised by how much I liked it. Found Anna Karenina for 5 bucks used at the university bookstore yesterday. I'll probably start slogging through that slowly but surely in the next couple of days before catching up on non-fiction.
Almost done with the first Game of Thrones book. Haven't seen the HBO series yet...

I am on "A Storm of Swords" . I started reading them due to liking the TV series so much. I must say, the series follows the first book almost to the T.

The books are better because it gives so much more insight to the history of events leading up to the beginning of the first book.

I NEVER EVER read.. in fact , in high school I would cliff note or cheat off of the internet for book reports. I started reading the books after a co worker recommended them to me. They are long, but very well written. George RR Martin sure knows how to keep me involved.
Halfway through The Wastelands (Book 3 of the Dark Tower)

That is one of the best series that I have read....I would finish one and go to the book store and buy the next one. I've read the series twice.

Currently reading "A Game of Thrones", book one of "A Song of Fire and Ice"
jkaylor said:
That is one of the best series that I have read....I would finish one and go to the book store and buy the next one. I've read the series twice.

Currently reading "A Game of Thrones", book one of "A Song of Fire and Ice"

This is pretty much what I've been doing since I picked up the gunslinger right around Christmas. Finish one, immediately go to book store for next book.
I am reading the Holocaust Diary, Tom Sawyer and the Journals of Lewis and Clark all on my Kindle
"Crossroads of Twilight" from the Wheel of Time series, and just read through "The Hunger Games" Series. Looking forward to starting the "Greggor the Overlander" series.
Origins-Spinward Fringe. Sci/Fi is usually only about 10% of my reading, but occasionally I do enjoy it and this is a good book.
I finally got my Kindle back from my wife so I have about a dozen books to catch up on.
I'm usually reading sci fi or non-fiction. Lately, I've been on a malcolm gladwell kick with my current read being blink. Man that guy is full of cool anecdotes
Dan Simmons - Ilium and its sequel, Olympos. Great sci fi. A mix of the Iliad, with all the Greek gods and heroes of the Trojan war, plus aliens, plus "post human" eloi 2,000 years in the future, plus two robot cyborgs who happen to be scholars of Proust and Shakespeare. Add lots of multidimensional quantum magic and a few worm holes and it all boils down to an incredibly complex and creative tale that somehow works.

Great stuff.
Just finished Spellbound by Margit Sandemo...wow, what a fun read. Working on Tolstoy's Anna Karenina now. I'm really enjoying it so far.
They're all great. I'd read most of them but in odd random order. This was the first time I've read the whole "series" in order.
Just finished Chasing the White Dog: An Amateur Outlaw's Adventures in Moonshine by Max Watman. Very enjoyable and quick read.
Working on the Shadow Rising, book 4 of the Wheel of Time series. Just hard to find the time with work and school at the moment.
I read Superfreakonomics on my flights to/from the East coast last week. And, started on a couple of other more pulp-fictioney books to keep my eyes occupied for the rest of the flight. One was Magician King, which was dragging along so I set it aside for the time being, and the other was the third or fourth book of the "Honorverse" series by David Weber. I don't remember the title...they are all pretty much the same story.
I read the entire Foundation series a long, long time ago, but honestly don't remember much about the story now. I do seem to recall that somewhere in the second or third book the story gets a bit disjointed, but manages to correct itself somewhat.