Well-Known Member
I was chilling a batch of a Caribou Slobber clone with a wort chiller. I usually just turn the faucet on and let it go periodically checking on it to see if it is cooled to temp. Well, at one of my checks, to my horror I found that one of the clamps holding the hose had come loose and water had been pouring into my kettle which was now overflowing?! I had less than a gallon of room at the top of my kettle to start with but I had no idea how much water had poured in but it had been 15 minutes since I made my last check. Tasting the hydrometer sample, it tasted a bit watered down, but my OG was only off by about 5 points so I decided to rack it to the fermentor. Well, after bottling and letting it condition in the bottles for a couple of weeks, it looks as though it's going to be a pretty good beer after all. No more watered down taste, just really good beer!