I started out brewing kits, then adulterated kits, then extract based recipes with my own hops and steeping grains, then BIAB. I liked a lot of things about BIAB and can see why it has so many fans and would recommend it to anybody starting out, but found that it didn't really allow the level of control and thus consistency I desired. My recipes were unique to my system and practices and as such didn't transfer very well. I disliked having to have a kettle large enough to contain the grain as well as the entire pre boil volume which I couldn't use at full capacity and would either bring my gravity up with extract while topping up or often heat some more water in a smaller saucepan to perform first a dunk sparge then subsequent 'hanging bag drip launter'. These methods were chaotic and my temperature all over the place, the grain bag huge and heavy at this point when wanting to make higher gravity beer. I couldn't really say the process was repeatable by anybody except myself. When building a new system I went for the classic shiny stainless HLT, mash/launter tun, kettle 3 vessel and while it takes up more room and is a bit more involved, it is very easy to use and so much more consistent. I can also sparge until the kettle is full, I've got the capacity to use plenty of grain, the system tops out around an OG of 68 at 100% capacity, OG of 98 at 75% capacity all grain, no extract, no sugar.