Vevor AIO "sahti" problems.

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Piilu kirves

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2024
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Trying to make some traditional Sahti with new equipment.
Run in some problems.
sahti needs kind of thik mash, gloks the smash screen.
8kg on malts and only 20l water and 5l sparge.

is there any triks to to keep worth flowing thru the screen?
does biab bag in the aio help?
some kind of false bottom?

my efficiency was wery bad should of ended in the 1.100 range but got only like 1.078...
i think it is from the bad spargin?
45min 40c
45min 50
45min 65
45min 75c
15min 80c
or can it be the temps or time?

and the worth had lots of thrub.
any good worth screens out there?
i just runned it thru my hop spider to fermenter :D
use full volume no sparge. add rice hulls. slow the pump down as much as you can.

dont forget about the huge deadspace in the vevor almost 2 gallons underneath the basket. (7 liters)

i have had no probs with a very thick porridgy mash as long as you slow the pump.

but find my effeciecny better with a loose soupy mash.
i wouldnt put a bag i would think that would clog it more.
use a less fine gind just increase you bill. the vevor even recommends shaking the flour out of the grist before mashing.

i pour all the bill in the basket then shake it a little to get the flour out then instead of tossing it out i put it back on top of the bed.

then i place the full basket into the strike water to underlet the mash (keep pressure on the return tube so the false bottom doesnt rise up as you lowwer the basket in) . almost no stirring needed.

whats your recipe that may have a lot to do with the clogged screen.

efficecncy is based on alot of things a little more info would be helpful.

a (very) brief read up on sahti shows that it is supposed to be cloudy and filtered through a kuurna a trough with juniuper bracnhes.


that thing looks like it is expecting a very thick trubby mash. lol

i definately wouldnt add a bag.

i find i get super clear wort with just a whirpool motion and letting the wort settle for about 15 to 20 mins.
Try using a BIAB bag or false bottom to help with the mash and sparging and extend your mash times to improve efficiency. For thrub, a better wort screen or slower sparge might help.