So I decided I didn't like relying upon the chromium 'kick' to refresh the page, and I didn't like the flash of the page refreshing if I used a metadata refresh call, so I opted to move all of the beer related database calls into a separate JSON generating end point and then redo the UI using AJAX, I now get an every 3 second non flickering update on all of my devices.
Next I'll see about just spawning chromium or midori via xinit instead of using lightdm, see if I can save some cycles on the pi.
I'm also pondering rebuilding pours.php to accept POSTs so that I can simply attach a wifi shield to my arduino (not using the Ala Mode) and just have it POST to the pi on updates, it would get rid of the flow monitoring daemon for me entirely and cut my reliance upon serial communications which would be cool.
I have some PIR sensors on the way (thanks day_tripper for the idea) I've got a rough script ready to go that'll turn the monitor off and on upon events (I'm just using flow detection as the event right now. go go tvservice). Now I just need to figure out what sort of audio clip I'd like to play while it pours... preferably something creepy.
Anyone aware of what sort of solenoid's KegCop uses? I'm pondering playing a bit with the RFID branch that I saw checked in, and adding authorization to the authentication seems like it might be entertaining.
I saw that the laravel branch had been dropped, has the plan to move to an MVC framework been scrapped entirely?
Also I apparently was testing flow calibrations too much tonight as I seem extra chatty.