[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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I just managed to partly answer my own question. I notice that if I modify one of the existing 106 entries (beer styles) I can see that within raspberry pints. But if I add an additional row, that 107th entry doesn't show up. So I suspect somewhere buried within raspberry pints is something that says grab 106 entries out of this database?
From what I see in the code, all of the queries make no assumption about the number of records in the beerStyles table so adding an additional entry should be no issue. Did you fill in all of the fields in the new record? It may be choking on a missing piece of data is my best initial guess. I'll mess with mine when I have a few minutes to see what it does.
From what I see in the code, all of the queries make no assumption about the number of records in the beerStyles table so adding an additional entry should be no issue. Did you fill in all of the fields in the new record? It may be choking on a missing piece of data is my best initial guess. I'll mess with mine when I have a few minutes to see what it does.

Kcolby-Were you able to add entries?
I've played with it more tonight and no luck adding new entries, but I can modify entries and all the changes show up...
I am stuck on step 6. For some reason I get an error when trying to run the setup - what am I doing wrong?

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ tar -xvzf alamode-setup.tar.gz
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cd alamode-setup
pi@raspberrypi ~/alamode-setup $ sudo ./setup
sudo: unable to execute ./setup: No such file or directory
pi@raspberrypi ~/alamode-setup $ ls
80-alamode.rules avrdude boards.txt jessie-setup
arduino-setup avrdude.conf inittab setup

Thanks for any help that can be offered
I am stuck on step 6. For some reason I get an error when trying to run the setup - what am I doing wrong?

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ tar -xvzf alamode-setup.tar.gz
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cd alamode-setup
pi@raspberrypi ~/alamode-setup $ sudo ./setup
sudo: unable to execute ./setup: No such file or directory
pi@raspberrypi ~/alamode-setup $ ls
80-alamode.rules avrdude boards.txt jessie-setup
arduino-setup avrdude.conf inittab setup

Thanks for any help that can be offered
I think this is the dos2unix thing I hate so much. Let me break out the computer.
Hey all. I'm having some issues getting the raspberrypints.ino file to upload to the Alamode. I started with a fresh install of Jessie and followed all of jbadd99's steps (https://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum/...-taplist-solution.487694/page-85#post-8238855). I made sure enable_uart=0 is set in the config file, but I keep coming up with the error in the screenshots.

Any ideas?

After screwing around further, I can't even get Alamode IDE to upload the 'blink' example that the Alamode documentation suggests. Is this an issue with my Alamode? Maybe ****** soldering?


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Kcolby-Were you able to add entries?
I've played with it more tonight and no luck adding new entries, but I can modify entries and all the changes show up...
I was able to insert a new style and see it show up in my dropdown. Are you making sure to set all of the Min/Max values? I'm guessing that the beerStyleManager class can't create the BeerStyle object without all of the values (they should be made NotNull if so, probably including a default value as well).
Hey all. I'm having some issues getting the raspberrypints.ino file to upload to the Alamode. I started with a fresh install of Jessie and followed all of jbadd99's steps (https://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum/...-taplist-solution.487694/page-85#post-8238855). I made sure enable_uart=0 is set in the config file, but I keep coming up with the error in the screenshots.

Any ideas?

After screwing around further, I can't even get Alamode IDE to upload the 'blink' example that the Alamode documentation suggests. Is this an issue with my Alamode? Maybe poopyty soldering?

Make sure you are powering the Alamode and Pi via the Alamode Board. That was where my hangup was.
I was able to insert a new style and see it show up in my dropdown. Are you making sure to set all of the Min/Max values? I'm guessing that the beerStyleManager class can't create the BeerStyle object without all of the values (they should be made NotNull if so, probably including a default value as well).

Thanks...I played with it some more and managed to get it to work. Still can't figure out what I was doing wrong before.

Now if I can steal a couple of hours, I'll build myself a new beer styles database from the current BJCP guidelines.
Thanks...I played with it some more and managed to get it to work. Still can't figure out what I was doing wrong before.

Now if I can steal a couple of hours, I'll build myself a new beer styles database from the current BJCP guidelines.
There's a great and very relevant comment on the issue I added in my repo specifically around being able to import and update from the official sources.
Awesome, thanks! that will save me some time!!!
My current thought is to build a step into the Install process that fetches the XMLs and processes them into the DB for you. Ideally I'd also like the ability to go into the admin section and update them whenever you like without clobbering any existing beers or custom styles. I may even include a set of "Built-In" custom styles for things like Soda or Carbonated Water that seem to be fairly common to find alongside homebrew.
Hey guys, long time lurker looking for some input. I am about to hookup my SF800's to the alamode board and was wondering, how did others attach the wires? The SF800 came with a 15cm wire with a 51090-0300 female molex connector. Wondering if anyone could share some photos/insight on what you did to attach to that wire, and how you attached to the alamode as well.

Also, thanks for all the great info, couldn't have gotten this far, let alone the software installed without the help of this thread!
You can take dupont wires and an old Ethernet cable and make it work. Male dupont wires have pins that will go directly into the molex connector on the swissflow meters. Cut one end of the dupont wires off, cut one end of the ethernet cable off, and solder the dupont wires to the wires in the Ethernet cable. You can solder together the 5v wires from the meters to one wire on the ethernet cable, all of the ground wires to another wire, and then each data wire to an individual wire in the ethernet cable.

Then cut the other end of the ethernet cable off, and solder dupont cables to the appropriate Ethernet cable wires. Whether you use male or female dupont wires will depend upon the pins on the board you are attaching them to. Most have male pins on an Alamode board, so you would use female dupont wires in that case.

The first few pages of the thread have examples.
Mine came with the uber long ribbon cables (100cm?) but it sounds like they terminated in the same 3 pin mini Molex female.
Same as all of my ds18b20 sensors, I cut the connectors off and wired the ribbon directly to 3-pin "tiny XLR" plugs.
They plug into a patch panel inside the keezer lid...


...which is wired to a db37 connector at the back edge of the lid, which in turn is cabled down to the system controller on a slide-out mount in the keezer dolly...


Low art, high tech :D

I am stuck on step . For some reason I get an error when trying to run the setup - what am I doing wrong?

Validating Entries...Success!
Checking DB connectivity...Success!
Checking config folder permissions...Success!
Update config files...Success!
Update admin config files...Success!
Creating RPints database user...Success!
Running Database Script...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/install/includes/configprocessor.php:178 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 178

I went to the line 178 but could not find anything wrong.
Thanks for any help that can be offered
I am stuck on step . For some reason I get an error when trying to run the setup - what am I doing wrong?
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/install/includes/configprocessor.php:178 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 178

Which OS did you install on the PI and which source for Raspberry Pints are you using?

The error message suggests that you are on a newer version of PHP that no longer has the older mysql extension. There are some exmaples of how to resolve this as well as my GitHub Repo where I've been re-working things specificly for this as well as to continue to extend the overall development of the software. (https://github.com/zaepho/RaspberryPints/tree/v2.0.3-Skins should work and has what I hope is a functional installer even though it has a bit different of an install process than the original).
Hey guys, another question... I'd like to use the individual 5v headers instead of VIN for the flowmeter power. Are those headers hot by default or do I have to turn thrm on somehow? If they have to be turned on, can can someone tell me how? Thinking maybe the 5v servo pins...
Mine came with the uber long ribbon cables (100cm?) but it sounds like they terminated in the same 3 pin mini Molex female.
Same as all of my ds18b20 sensors, I cut the connectors off and wired the ribbon directly to 3-pin "tiny XLR" plugs.
They plug into a patch panel inside the keezer lid...

View attachment 563288

...which is wired to a db37 connector at the back edge of the lid, which in turn is cabled down to the system controller on a slide-out mount in the keezer dolly...

View attachment 563289

Low art, high tech :D


I may have to use the mini xlr plug idea. I think it would be more dependable and functional than my ribbon cable idea i have been failing at executing so far. Maybe I can combine the two...
Hey guys, another question... I'd like to use the individual 5v headers instead of VIN for the flowmeter power. Are those headers hot by default or do I have to turn thrm on somehow? If they have to be turned on, can can someone tell me how? Thinking maybe the 5v servo pins...

The "servo headers" are always active, power/gnd/signal...

Sorry to barge in with what is probably a simple question and I'd also like to make a comment.

First the question. After making the ultimate mistake while trying to clone my RPi microSD (I formatted the wrong microSD card, oops!) I've rebuilt my RPi (Jessie) and installed Raspberry Pints. I loaded the sample data so I had something to see and all of that worked. Then I deleted the sample data and started to rebuild my database. Well, it almost worked. I can add beers and kegs but I can't get "tap a keg" and see the data. The steps all seem to work but no entry in the DB. So I re-added the sample data and tried with their data, still no luck. Any suggestion I might try?

Lastly a comment. The information in this thread is so valuable, however it is impossible to find anything without reading the posts. This reminded me of a fly fishing list serve I belong to called FlyFish@. This list serve has been active since the 90's. One of the member took it upon himself to put every email ever posted to the list into a searchable database (>400K emails). Recently, he put this database on an RPi and you can check it out here: http://jdunns.dyndns.org/flyfishq.html

Would it be possible to do something like that with this thread? Boy would that be a powerful tool! I'm not volunteering, I can't get Raspberry Pints to work (again). But there are some smart people here and I'd be happy to connect them with the guy who did the FlyFish@ archive. </End of Rant>
Sorry to barge in with what is probably a simple question and I'd also like to make a comment.

First the question. After making the ultimate mistake while trying to clone my RPi microSD (I formatted the wrong microSD card, oops!) I've rebuilt my RPi (Jessie) and installed Raspberry Pints. I loaded the sample data so I had something to see and all of that worked. Then I deleted the sample data and started to rebuild my database. Well, it almost worked. I can add beers and kegs but I can't get "tap a keg" and see the data. The steps all seem to work but no entry in the DB. So I re-added the sample data and tried with their data, still no luck. Any suggestion I might try?
BTW, I can use phpMyAdmin and modify an existing row in the taps table but I can't do so through the app. Something wrong with the taps table? Is there a way to rebuild a blank database?
I have everything up and running on a Pi 3 running Jessie and the basics work great, but I can't get the PIR to trigger anything using the pir_test.py script. Is there anything different to the motion sensor setup on the Pi 3 vs Pi 2? Running the output of the HC_SR501 to Pin 26 (GPIO 7) and solder bridged the jumper to L. 5v to pin 2 and GND to pin 6 on the Pi 3. If anybody has any thoughts on how to troubleshot it would be appreciated.

Edit - When I disconnect the wire from the output pin on the PIR it triggers the script and says "Motion Detected". Reconnect it and the "Motion Detected" stops.
Last edited:
My PIR script should work on any RPi from A through B3+.
What does "solder bridged the jumper to L. 5v to pin 2 and GND to pin 6 on the Pi 3." actually mean?
What jumper - and why are you bridging it?

Off hand it sounds like you may not have the PIR tuned up properly...

What does "solder bridged the jumper to L. 5v to pin 2 and GND to pin 6 on the Pi 3." actually mean?
What jumper - and why are you bridging it?
Thanks for the quick reply day-trippr. I am referring to the jumper on the PIR for Repeat Trigger(H) or Single Trigger(L). My PIR does not have the pins for the jumper so I needed to solder across the pads to create the jumper to achieve "L: Single Trigger". I could not get it to work. However, I decided to clear the jumper and it is working great now.

Ah, ok, got it. First time I've heard of that, but I'm not surprised - anything to save a few tenths of a penny ;)
Glad you got it working! :mug:

Hey guys, testing out my flow meters for the first time, during a pour I saw the screen refresh, but no pour registered. I ran flow_monitor.py and poured again. The terminal output was

Unknown message: ;0;9;252

I'm guessing this isn't the expected outcome. No idea what to do next... Any help is appreciated!
The "servo headers" are always active, power/gnd/signal...


Hi day_trippr - I did a little research as I was not getting any output and it looks like in the schematics the pins in column 7 I have highlighted in red need to be jumped in order to get power to the servo pins. If you jump both the pins in column 7 and 8 it will give extra amperage to the servo pins.

Also, another fun little bit I realized was the pins highlighted in yellow labeled D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, and D12 (which is actually D11) correspond with the digital pins on the right hand side, so they can be used instead and gives a cleaner way to connect wires. Once I get the problem I mentioned above sorted out, this will work perfect for me since there are 6 pins and I have 6 taps. :-D

So excited to get this last little hangup sorted out, once I can get the pours to read its just a little dressing/cleanup work on my keezer and I think I'm done. This is the cherry on top of my keezer project. (c;
I suspect a mismatch between the pin declarations in the Arduino ino file and the tap assignment in the R'Pints gui. It appears the Arduino is sending a pour message for a pin that isn't assigned to a tap...

I suspect a mismatch between the pin declarations in the Arduino ino file and the tap assignment in the R'Pints gui. It appears the Arduino is sending a pour message for a pin that isn't assigned to a tap...


hmmmm... that's a great thought. I will inspect the ino file and verify the assigned pin in the GUI at lunch and see if I can come up with anything interesting. Is there any other files that reference the pins that might need to be updated?
Another thought... Can anyone tell me if there is a different/newer/recommended version of RaspberryPints available other than what is on the RaspberryPints.com download link? that is the version I installed... I'm just wondering if I should have been using something else. I think i vaguely recall people talking about modifying and updating components and stuff being on GitHub, but this forum is so large, I'm having a hard time finding anything. Also, is there any support for Stretch yet?
I'm currently under the influence of fruity rum drinks on an Out Island in the Bahamas listening to a ska band at a local watering hole...but I'm still pretty sure it's just the ino file and the gui tap pin settings involved. And using the corresponding physical pins, of course.

The 2.x version is it for the original program. There is a fork under independent development as well that should support Stretch, but it's a work in progress...

Very Nice day_trippr! And thanks for the info! I checked the pin in the admin panel, and the pin on the alamode, as well as where I was hooking it up on my ribbon cable and it all looked pretty good. I reconfigured and re uploaded the INO file just for good measure. no go... the i rebooted the pi and it started a check on the SD or something so I had to walk away... so Ill have to see if it recovered from whatever later tonight.
Another thought... Can anyone tell me if there is a different/newer/recommended version of RaspberryPints available other than what is on the RaspberryPints.com download link?

I have a GitHub repo at https://github.com/zaepho/RaspberryPints/tree/v2.0.3-Skins that should be functional for PHP up through 7.2. I believe the installer works but I haven't had a chance to run through all of it on a Pi myself. If you give it a try, the readme in the repo has some basic information on what needs to be done before the web installer. Please let me know of any issues your run into. I know that the documentation absolutely needs to be updated and expanded upon to make things more clear.
First, thanks to everyone who has helped keep this alive over the years; particularly @day_trippr, but also @kaljade, @DrunkleJon, @atariplayr and the 20 or so others I'm unintentionally leaving out (committee's about to play me off so gotta get on with it). Your commitment is commendable. After reading through the 3400+ posts I was getting more than frustrated with certain questions that popped up 5, 6, 72 times; I can't imagine living through it in the moment. So BIG BIG thanks from everyone who has had the opportunity to learn from you!

I haven't begun my pints build yet, but am more than confident I'll be able to get through it once that darn uno gets here from the Far East.

That said, I was able to pick up a few things during all that reading:
  1. @day_trippr seems to go to the Bahamas every 6 months, of which I'm a tad jealous
  2. @kcolby appreciate your effort as well, mad props! One thing to add to your endless list though. About a month ago you had discussed configurable settings for different flow meters, I believe pints also has a built in setting to filter out ghost pours which needs updating for the less sensitive meters. It would be nice to have this as part of that configurability as well.
Keep up the great work guys!

Edit: Sweet Jesus! Include @CadiBrewer in that list as well! My apologies for the oversight.
I believe pints also has a built in setting to filter out ghost pours which needs updating for the less sensitive meters. It would be nice to have this as part of that configurability as well.

I'll take a look around and see what I can find. Worst case this is probably a useful feature. The biggest question is going to be how to flag a pour as a ghost pour. I'm guessing these are slow trickles of small pulse counts as the CO2 comes out of solution and triggers the meter. Do most ghost pours fit into that general characteristic or should it be looking for a different behavior?
I'll take a look around and see what I can find. Worst case this is probably a useful feature. The biggest question is going to be how to flag a pour as a ghost pour. I'm guessing these are slow trickles of small pulse counts as the CO2 comes out of solution and triggers the meter. Do most ghost pours fit into that general characteristic or should it be looking for a different behavior?

I'm certainly too green to reliably answer your question as I haven't got it up and running yet. From what I've been able to recall this did trip up a few folks using the cheaper meters. I think short pours weren't registering due to some hard coded value conflicting with the lower tick count.

I hope [Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution provides some better context.
First, thanks to everyone who has helped keep this alive over the years; particularly @day_trippr, but also @kaljade, @DrunkleJon, @atariplayr and the 20 or so others I'm unintentionally leaving out (committee's about to play me off so gotta get on with it). Your commitment is commendable. After reading through the 3400+ posts I was getting more than frustrated with certain questions that popped up 5, 6, 72 times; I can't imagine living through it in the moment. So BIG BIG thanks from everyone who has had the opportunity to learn from you!

I haven't begun my pints build yet, but am more than confident I'll be able to get through it once that darn uno gets here from the Far East.

That said, I was able to pick up a few things during all that reading:
  1. @day_trippr seems to go to the Bahamas every 6 months, of which I'm a tad jealous
  2. @kcolby appreciate your effort as well, mad props! One thing to add to your endless list though. About a month ago you had discussed configurable settings for different flow meters, I believe pints also has a built in setting to filter out ghost pours which needs updating for the less sensitive meters. It would be nice to have this as part of that configurability as well.
Keep up the great work guys!

Edit: Sweet Jesus! Include @CadiBrewer in that list as well! My apologies for the oversight.
Thank you. Though I didnt do much. All I did was take my knowlege of computers, install it for myself and share where I got confused and how i made it work.
I'm certainly too green to reliably answer your question as I haven't got it up and running yet. From what I've been able to recall this did trip up a few folks using the cheaper meters. I think short pours weren't registering due to some hard coded value conflicting with the lower tick count.

I hope [Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution provides some better context.

That helps. I'll add an issue with a link to this and that. Sounds like "Minimum Pour Volume" and "Maximum Pour volume" settings could be created on a per tap basis. This would filter out the noise of small ghost pours and prevent weird giant pours. Might be worth adding a flag on each pour to make Suspect Pours and then allow configured behavior based on that flag.. Hrm.. there are lots of options. At a minimum a way to look at the pours in the UI and then go delete the ones you don't want might be useful.

Thank you. Though I didnt do much. All I did was take my knowlege of computers, install it for myself and share where I got confused and how i made it work.
It's the sharing that's the important part!