[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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That is a very sweet idea! Im going to steal this from you. Are the circuit boards attached to the inside of the lid to the box?

steal away! the boards are just double sided taped to the lid of a project box from radioshack. it will mount behind the monitor so i dont have to worry about moisture.

i updated the enclosure for fun....
Great work, It is so rewarding and fun to see what people are doing with RPints!!
Thanks! and thank you guys for all the hard work!
im too busy doing beer related projects to actually brew....
talk about first world problems.....

Cheers! :D


Both from ebay, in 24 packs. But the seller carries each in singles, 6 and 12 packs as well.
The plugs are here.
The receptacles are here.

They arrived in 9 days, not too bad. Some of my one-wire probes took three weeks...

Thanks! and thank you guys for all the hard work!

im too busy doing beer related projects to actually brew....

talk about first world problems.....

I'm in exactly the same boat. These awesome projects have kept me so busy that I didn't notice my pipeline had run low and I had to squeeze in a brew day after work last week. Life is rough. Lol

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Got my Accuflex Bev-Seal in yesterday and got the tower with 5' of hose to go to the flow meters (waiting on connectors today) then going to have another 5' (total of 10') going to the keg. Unfortunately I didnt get the MFL push connectors and there is no way to heat and stretch this stuff onto the standard barb for the liquid disconnect. So ordered some MFL Push to Connect and waiting on those now. Luckily I was on vacation and my taps are dry at the moment and wont have a beer ready for two weeks so have a little bit of time to get everything together.
Got my Accuflex Bev-Seal in yesterday and got the tower with 5' of hose to go to the flow meters (waiting on connectors today) then going to have another 5' (total of 10') going to the keg. Unfortunately I didnt get the MFL push connectors and there is no way to heat and stretch this stuff onto the standard barb for the liquid disconnect. So ordered some MFL Push to Connect and waiting on those now. Luckily I was on vacation and my taps are dry at the moment and wont have a beer ready for two weeks so have a little bit of time to get everything together.

Submerging into almost boiling water doesnt work for you? That sucks. Thats how I did mine after failing to get the barbs into my lines on the first attempt.

Here is a note from my personal experience. I put my meters about 2 feet from my tap shanks to prevent air bubbles from potentially unbalanced lines from having a chance of messing up the readings (and if I get over 2 feet of gas out of solution I seriously have a problem with balancing). I noticed a slight increase in head in a poured glass. Just something to be aware of. Now if I only had full kegs for all my taps.

i made a nifty enclosure from a conduit box from lowes. Now it'll be easy to mount the meters in my keezer.

hardware is done, tomorrow i'll tackle the software.
just put a new keg in tonight, not gonna tap it until this is up and running so i can test accuracy.

cant wait!!

What is the part number on that box if you remember?
Anyone have a screenshot of what the interface shows with the flows?

Is it calculating how much is left in each keg?
So started the upgrade cause saw the how to was posted but realized that the release isnt posted yet on Github :( Guess Ill have to wait a little longer

i made a nifty enclosure from a conduit box from lowes. Now it'll be easy to mount the meters in my keezer.

hardware is done, tomorrow i'll tackle the software.
just put a new keg in tonight, not gonna tap it until this is up and running so i can test accuracy.

cant wait!!

So, Im confused when it comes to the alamode setup, and parts list, especially after looking at this post. Any insight please?
Anyone have a screenshot of what the interface shows with the flows?

Is it calculating how much is left in each keg?


That's a live system with the flow meters.

What it does is insert the amount poured in to a table and then the page handles the math to show the keg level based on starting amount and amount poured.
So, Im confused when it comes to the alamode setup, and parts list, especially after looking at this post. Any insight please?

The alamode is the white board part that is sitting on top of the pi. The board on the right bottom is optional. Pretty much all you will need to do on your own is to somehow jumper together the Ground and VIN connections for all of your flowmeters and then direct the center pin to the D# pins and remember which one goes where.

And as for the Alamode board some soldering is required. to attach the GIPO pins and the black plugin pins to the board.
The usb is from the raspberry pi underneath, the alamode doesnt have any usb ports

That's not entirely true. There is a micro USB port on the alamode (like on a smart phone) that is similar to the micro USB on the pi. That's where you plug the power in. You only need to supply power to the alamode, it will power the pi and the flow meters.
It is here!!!! Version 2 is finally ready to go. Some things to remember, with the Version 2 release there is now a new element to the setup, Hardware configuration..... This is a DIY product so get creative and do some reading when it comes to running into issues. We spent A LOT of time on our guides so if you follow it to a t then you should not have a problem, however, the internet and technology is ever evolving so we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. If you have any questions or issues please email [email protected]

Get Started Now- http://raspberrypints.com/download/

That's a live system with the flow meters.

What it does is insert the amount poured in to a table and then the page handles the math to show the keg level based on starting amount and amount poured.

You da man. What are the little photos at the top for?

Sorry for all these questions. Just waiting for my parts to come in!
You da man. What are the little photos at the top for?

Sorry for all these questions. Just waiting for my parts to come in!

My "brewery" is on untappd. I'm pulling the brewery feed showing who checks in to my beer as well as the beer ratings and labels from untappd.

It's also set up to automatically check people in to the beer when they pour a pint using somethings I'm working on for V3.
My "brewery" is on untappd. I'm pulling the brewery feed showing who checks in to my beer as well as the beer ratings and labels from untappd.

It's also set up to automatically check people in to the beer when they pour a pint using somethings I'm working on for V3.

There was a guy who made an RFID kegerator years ago on hack-a-day that had very similar functionality to the previous. I am excited to see what you come up with.
So know this is really soon, but would be cool if we could enter the full weight when we hook up a keg, and it will use the FG to calculate the actual volume for us.

For those that want to do this and get a more accurate amount in your keg, you can use this equation:

Gallons of Beer = (Full keg weight - empty keg weight) ÷ (FG * 8.3454)

The weights need to be in pounds and the 8.3454 units are lb/gal(US). FG is unitless, so this gives you with final volume in US gallons. When you hook up a keg put that in the Start Amount.
And another question, I dont have a dedicated screen and Im using my tablet. So I have my page online with noip, was wondering if there is a way to refresh the online version like the local page does after a pour. Otherwise i have to hit refresh on the browser
And another question, I dont have a dedicated screen and Im using my tablet. So I have my page online with noip, was wondering if there is a way to refresh the online version like the local page does after a pour. Otherwise i have to hit refresh on the browser

Not after a pour.

You can add a meta refresh tag in the index.php page and set the refresh time for 5 minutes. That way the page updates every 5 minutes. (You could set it for a lower amount of time but that's over kill and harder on the pi)
Were there any changes from the V2 kit under the "Branch" button since yesterday afternoon?

I did an upgrade install using that kit (was bored so jumped the gun ;)) and while the process appeared to go well, 'Pints is not responding to pours from any tap.

After verifying that flow_monitor.py is running, I went completely through my wiring. I can put a scope probe on each of the six AlaMode IO pins I'm using and see each flow meter doing its thing (good looking wave forms, fwiw).

Reprogrammed the AlaMode twice but as there is absolutely nothing that indicates it's doing anything I have no clue if the sketch is running or not. This AlaMode has run a few different sketches over the last four months so unless it decided to blow a synapse last night I have no reason to doubt its condition.

On that note, a suggestion: there's an LED on the AlaMode connected to digital IO 13. I'd suggest pulsing it when the AlaMode is transmitting pour data so there's at least some sign of life. If I can't get any further I'm going to see how to add that function.

Before I resort to recoding the AVR I'll probably try a full 'Pints install instead of an upgrade from 1.0.3 and see if that makes any difference...


ps: One thing I did notice was about four lines of exception messages when compiling and uploading the sketch to the AlaMode. Does anyone know if the Arduino IDE writes log files?