Venting CO2 From Fermentation Through Chest Freezer?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2015
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The instructions of my Blichmann Fermenator says: "...the CO2 gas from fermentation should be vented through the door or wall of the [temperature controlled chest freezer]". Is the prevention of CO2 buildup for safety reasons or because it can affect the flavor of the beer? Do I really need to do this? If so, should I drill a hole in my chest freezer to do this (not crazy about that idea), or would I just put a small metal tube through or under the door seal?
No need to do anything. Freezer doors are anything but airtight and will vent fermentation CO2 without so much as a hiss.
As long as you don’t lean over, stick your head inside the chest freezer and take a deep breath you’ll be fine. I hold my breath when working on something in there during active fermentation. That’s because the high concentration of Co2 stings my nose.
Thanks to you both. I do also hold my breath if I'm sticking my head in the chest freezer while taking a SG sample. I'm not as concerned about my brain cells (not much left) as I am my beer. Glad I don't need to anything.
It sounds like they're just covering their own ass from a lawsuit.
Yep. Mostly cya. Don’t stick your head in and take a deep breath. High CO2 is legitimately dangerous. We have to watch safety videos at work about working in manholes, and that’s one of the primary dangers. Generally though the theme is a worker goes down, almost instantly passes out and dies. Someone else sticks their head in to see what happened, takes a big breath, also passes out, falls in and dies. The high CO2 causes you to pass out much more quickly than just holding your breath would.