Variety's of honey supermarket desirability, trying heavenly organics

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Feb 7, 2019
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Hey homebrewers, I've tried all the honey variety's here and I'm curious what the best for a melomel in your informed opinion? I'm considering adding this to primary ferm in grape wine and mead.

Brand: Heavenly organics
Neem, acacia, Jammu, and white. Listed darkest to lightest in color.

Brand: Sprouts
Raw unfiltered, or creamy raw unfiltered.

Both brands are from India, I've found the unfiltered ferments more vigorously. Personally I lean towards the acacia, which happens to be the most runny, and doesn't become solid. Thanks for your help!
For Melomels or pyments, the fruit usually covers up honey tastes and aroma. Go with the one that has a stronger flavor (if you like it), and maybe sweeten it a bit at the end with it.
Farmer's Market if you have one. I am going to get a hive and a queen for myself. My neighbor has been free loading off my garden and fruit trees long enough.
It’s an investment and need patience. Most hives don’t produce honey to harvest until the second year or so.
It’s an investment and need patience. Most hives don’t produce honey to harvest until the second year or so.
My neighbor across has a huge lawn 1/3 acre lawn no trees other then old water oaks. It is my place with 10 Fruit trees, 40' grape runs, and 100's of feet of gardens they live on...I also have a friend across the bridge in Alabam that sells bee hives and queens. He'll just give me one. Before I know it, a few years will pass, I'll have Lb's like fruit and such. Freezing fruit for wine atm.