Using up stale bread and sourdough starter discard

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user 246304

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2017
Reaction score
A new member just came on board and she does a pretty cool thing - she uses up a member-brewer's spent grains in baking crackers and other things. So timing is nice, since I'm doing something similar as I write.

I do a lot of German and French sourdough baking and am just literally finishing up a run of altbrot (actually, technically today, röstbrot) and fleur de levain as I write this. For those who may not know, altbrot-röstbrot is a way to use up the butts or stale pieces of dark rye breads (typically). Altbrot is just old bread that is cubed and allowed to dry completely, whether air-dried or in a very low oven. I tend to prefer röstbrot - I cut the crusts off and cut them into 1"ish cubes, then dry-roast the cubes in the oven at 325F for about an hour. They have to dry completely. Then I grind them to a fine powder in my blender and freeze the powder. It allows bread doughs to retain more water (hydration) with the beneficial effects on the finished loaf. It also lends a deep, complex character to the bread.

Fleur de Levain is a way I learned to use up old or tired sourdough starter (there's always a ton left over after refreshing the starter). I hydrate it to the consistency of a pancake batter and then brush it in a thinnish layer on a silicone baking pad and dry at 200F x 90 minutes or so. It can then be broken off in chunks or ground to powder. Purely a taste addition - some sour and other flavors for bread baking. It adds no leavening so can be used alongside levain starter or cultured yeast without any adjustments.
My spent grain gets recycled back to Mother Earth, on a spot not far from my brewery.

Kidding aside, I like what you're doing. I can't say I would but I appreciate how resourceful you are with something that would either be thrown out or fed to the birds.
I made some cheez-its from sourdough starter disgard last week. It was 100g of discard mixed with 1TBS of butter and then I added some shredded cheese to it. Mixed and then spread thin on some parchment paper on a baking sheet. Baked at 425F for 5 Minutes, cut into squares with a pizza cutter, and then back in oven for 20-25 minutes. You will have to play around with the thickness vs. baking time. I baked mine for 22 minutes and they could have been more crispy in the middle. Hard to tell until they cool. They are best eaten shorly after they are made. I ate a few and put them in a container. They got a little chewy by evening. Additional baking time I feel would have helped though. I have seen others skip the cheese and topped with parmesan or everything bagel seasoning. I have seen some variations of this where you add additional flour and alot more butter and alot more cheese. I plan to experiment.
I made some cheez-its from sourdough starter disgard last week. It was 100g of discard mixed with 1TBS of butter and then I added some shredded cheese to it. Mixed and then spread thin on some parchment paper on a baking sheet. Baked at 425F for 5 Minutes, cut into squares with a pizza cutter, and then back in oven for 20-25 minutes. You will have to play around with the thickness vs. baking time. I baked mine for 22 minutes and they could have been more crispy in the middle. Hard to tell until they cool. They are best eaten shorly after they are made. I ate a few and put them in a container. They got a little chewy by evening. Additional baking time I feel would have helped though. I have seen others skip the cheese and topped with parmesan or everything bagel seasoning. I have seen some variations of this where you add additional flour and alot more butter and alot more cheese. I plan to experiment.
Very clever - sound delicious!