Us05 under pressure

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Jan 29, 2023
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Quick question because I'm curious. Anybody brew ipas with us05 under pressure at normal us05 temperatures? Being a neutral and clean strain, Ester suppression doesn't sound like a problem and up aroma would seem to be retained. Asking because I forgot I don't have an airlock kit for my fermenter.
you can use the spundle in lieu of an airlock. Just once femenation settles you can put a small amount to pressure and lock it. I do this for ales (doing it right now with my Irish Red on my fermonster. I brew last sunday and closed the valve yesterday keeping an eye on guage to see if I want to relieve any CO2. I'll give it a but of a charge to cold crash and then keep a CO2 cartridge on it for a day or two checking to make sure there is not creating a vacuum before transferring to the keg.

I've also put a vinyl tube on a ball lock and run it to a jar of sanitizer to serve as an airlock.
I wouldn't ferment under pressure if you don't have a way to control it. I'm fermenting an IPA with US-05 right now under pressure. I have it going at about 8 PSI at room temp, which is 66F in my house.
When fermenting under pressure, you can ferment at a higher temp . Ale yeast is more sensitive to pressure fermentation then lager yeast.
66 degrees at 10psi with a spunding valve

If I undestand your original question, you're using a spunding valve because you don't have an airlock, not because you necessarily want to "pressue ferment.". And that's fine, I do it all the time, even though I do have a drawer full of airlocks. But that doesn't mean you have to "pressure ferment." You can set the spunding valve to a very low pressure, like 1-2 PSIG, which is a lot closer to airlock type pressure than 10 PSIG is.
I have a similar expirament under way at the moment. It's a one gallon Melomel at 6psi. I will crank up the pressure soon to 15psi. I have never tried fermenting a mead under pressure before
so well see how it turns out. Today I'll be making an APA that will also ferment under pressure in a conical.
If the question is just how US-05 performs under pressure, then the answer is - It performs very well. I have a pale ale going at 1 Bar (15 PSI) currently. It's almost done. And this is at 66F. I don't pressure ferment any warmer than when I ferment beers with an airlock. I could, but don't. I figured I'd rather get the cleaner flavors from the pressure ferment at my normal temps, since I have a means of temp control. Plus, I feel it maybe enhances the low o2 brewing process. That might be BS though. I just think it's cool as hell to ferment under pressure.
Quick question because I'm curious. Anybody brew ipas with us05 under pressure at normal us05 temperatures? Being a neutral and clean strain, Ester suppression doesn't sound like a problem and up aroma would seem to be retained. Asking because I forgot I don't have an airlock kit for my fermenter.

US-05 handles pressure like it is not there, no problem at all all the way up to 15psi.

I also don't get much benefit from pressurizing unless I am trying to rush a batch and ferment on the high end of the temp range. That said, I pressurize most IPAs so I can dry hop with as little O2 exposure as possible (using a CO2 purge setup like the Kegland Hopbong), and cold crash with enough pressure to keep positive pressure in the fermentor even at 36F. If I finish the D-rest at 15psi, there is still about 10psi after the cold crash, then it drops to about 5psi as the beer partially carbonates, a nice side benefit. Positive pressure CO2 means no O2 is getting in.
my only observation is that ale yeast should/like/need to "express" themselves... at least that's what I have heard.

But that might be more for hefe and saison strains of ale yeasts. I did a hefe under pressure once. it did not turn out very hefe.

I use a blow off tube on my ale yeasts until fermentation slows. Then I will put it under pressure to finish and carbonate.
I brewed an APA yesterday with US 05. I intend to keep it under pressure using a spunding valve set at 5 psi for the first few days then increase the pressure to 10 psi until it's ready to transfer to a serving keg. First time fermenting US 05 under pressure, we'll see how it turns out.
I brewed an APA yesterday with US 05. I intend to keep it under pressure using a spunding valve set at 5 psi for the first few days then increase the pressure to 10 psi until it's ready to transfer to a serving keg.

Is your goal (in increasing to 10 PSI) to fully carbonate in the fermenter? If so, spunding at 10 PSI at typical ale fermentation temperatures won't get you there. Just in case... say you're fermenting at 68F and you want to carbonate to 2.5 volumes. You'd need to spund at about 27.6 PSI. Normally, I'd recommend using one of the many keg carbonation charts, but most of them don't go as high as needed for ale fermentation temperature spunding calcs. But this calculator does:
Thanks for responding @VikeMan I was thinking to just bring the carbonation up some then adjust it in the serving keg. But I think I'll try going higher. My conical says to not go higher than 15 psi so I will test it out. I'll see if I can get it up to 27.6 psi.
my only observation is that ale yeast should/like/need to "express" themselves... at least that's what I have heard.

But that might be more for hefe and saison strains of ale yeasts. I did a hefe under pressure once. it did not turn out very hefe.

I use a blow off tube on my ale yeasts until fermentation slows. Then I will put it under pressure to finish and carbonate.
I fermented a hefe under pressure once......................................ONCE.

It did not turn out well. It was a SULFUR BOMB. One downside to fermenting under pressure, especially if you're going up to 15-25 PSI is it traps in all that sulfur that hefe yeasts tend to produce. BAD. That stuff does not age out.
my only observation is that ale yeast should/like/need to "express" themselves... at least that's what I have heard.

But that might be more for hefe and saison strains of ale yeasts. I did a hefe under pressure once. it did not turn out very hefe.

I use a blow off tube on my ale yeasts until fermentation slows. Then I will put it under pressure to finish and carbonate.

Yup , this is why most don't pressure ferment Hefe , saison and ipas . It fights esters
I fermented a hefe under pressure once......................................ONCE.

It did not turn out well. It was a SULFUR BOMB. One downside to fermenting under pressure, especially if you're going up to 15-25 PSI is it traps in all that sulfur that hefe yeasts tend to produce. BAD. That stuff does not age out.

I want to say ale yeast should be no higher then 15 psi . Lagers 15 to 25 if I remember.
Yup , this is why most don't pressure ferment Hefe , saison and ipas . It fights esters
IPAs I think are good for pressure fermenting as long as you're smart about fermenting at a very low PSI before dry hopping, then ramp the pressure up after dry hopping to trap in those hop aromas. Otherwise, you get the volcano.
If the question is just how US-05 performs under pressure, then the answer is - It performs very well. I have a pale ale going at 1 Bar (15 PSI) currently. It's almost done. And this is at 66F. I don't pressure ferment any warmer than when I ferment beers with an airlock. I could, but don't. I figured I'd rather get the cleaner flavors from the pressure ferment at my normal temps, since I have a means of temp control. Plus, I feel it maybe enhances the low o2 brewing process. That might be BS though. I just think it's cool as hell to ferment under pressure.
BINGO, @beersk , I just used US-05 first time yesterday for an American Porter (see Beer and Brewing recent recipe). and after many awesome Spunded Lagers, this beer seemed a little slow out of the gate, dropping gravity points (see Fermentrack, here on HBT, for temp control and Tilt via Tiltbridge support).
I started to wonder if my Spunding is not appropriate for this Ale yeast??
Thanks for your feedback, its what I was looking for on the NEt
I want to say ale yeast should be no higher then 15 psi . Lagers 15 to 25 if I remember.
I just got a new BrewBuilt X3, and the F'n relief valve will not let me go higher than 10 psi.... Its built into the top main Lid, so sucks I can not "override" it, to my liking of 12-15 psi for Lagers. So far, other then that issue with the BrewBuilt x3, its better then my SSBrewtech Uni Tanks.

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