Unmalted Wheat and a protein rest

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Fishers, Indiana
I did a wit today, El Segundo grado wit, to be exact.

I had horrible effiency. Did everything the same as I always do to get 70%. My LHBS crushed for me, and as far as I know it looked the same as always.

I did not do a protein rest and just went with the single decoction at 154* for 50 minutes.

Did that contribute to my horrible effiency?

In other words, is a protein rest necessary to get good conversion from unmalted wheat?

Grain bill:
4 lbs unmalted wheat
2 lbs Belgian Pils
2 Lbs 6-row
1 lb Flaked Oats
1/2 lb corn sugar

I haven't figured out how low my eff was, but I had to add just over two lbs of Wheat DME to make up the difference.
Ok, but could the lack of a protein rest cause the low effiency?

Not directly, no. A lack of a protein rest may have caused your sparge to be a bitch though. Did you get a stuck sparge and have to mess with that forever which changed 20 variables which lead to a low eff?

Also you mentioned you did a single decoction at 154... you mean a single infusion? A decoction is a step mash so you should have 2 temperatures. Further 50mins may not have been enough to convert given the very high % of adjuncts and if you didn't do a decoction (pull some mash and boil it) the enzyems would have had an even harder time.

In my wit which is not very dissimilar to yours (all pils instead of 6-row) I do a double decoction. 122 30mins 20mindecoction -> 154 1hour 10min decoction-> 170 15min
I had the understanding (and it could be wrong) that part of the purpose of a protien rest on unmalted and/undermodified grain was to break down the longer chain protiens into shorter dextrines that the amylase enzymes can more easily convert.
Sorry for that huge run-on sentence.
I employ a cereal mash for my wits, that way I can use raw oats as well. But if you are don't enjoy that process you could probably get the same results with a step mash.
Thanks everyone!

I read all I could find in Complete Joy Of Homebrewing. What I took from that was a protein rest helps with chill haze. Since this is a wit, obviously I don't care about haze.

And yes, z987k, I meant infusion, not decoction. Mixed up the terms.

I didn't have much of a problem with a stuck sparge. I batch sparge with the old Papazian bucket-in-a-bucket method, and I stir as it drains.

Bottom line--I think I didn't mash long enough.