Brewed this yesterday and had an OK brew day, but not the best. Apparently there was a worldwide pumpkin shortage last year, and I had to drive around to three different places to find canned pumpkin. Got that info from an oddly informative stock boy (think Chris Farley as the security guard with too much information in Wayne's World).
Ended up using 75 oz pumpkin because I had a lot (my wife found some on her lunch after I said I couldn't find any, and we ended up with double). 1 lb rice hulls in the mash, but no stuck sparge at all! In fact, it worked a little too good, I expected a lot of grain absorbtion loss, but ended up only losing about 1 gal overall.
My pre-boil gravity reading showed a 66% efficiency, which I was happy with for this being my 3rd all grain. Problem was, my OG reading only was coming in at about 1.035, waaaay low for the recipe. I didn't have anything here to try and correct it, so we'll see how it goes. I am hoping my hydrometer is just off, it was a $7 model I bought about 8 years ago when I started brewing wine.
Everything looked & tasted great though, I am pretty sure I will add a spice tea at bottling. 3 tsp at flameout and by the time it was cooled, pretty weak flavor.
Bubbling away nicely in the 70 degree basement after about 4 hours. Hopefully fall will recognize my activities and get out of this 90 degree heat!