Interest to hear some opinions on why I have such low efficiency. Upgraded my set up and seem to consistently have issues with my BIAB efficiency. My batch that was attempted today was an IPA that according to beersmith i should have been at roughly 1.081 but i finished at 1.063.
- 20 gallon CH kettle 220
- 10 gallon batch
- 16.5 gallons of starting water. (well water) (2.12 quarts per lb)
- 31 pounds of various grains
- Milled twice through down to .0030
- Mash Strike 160 degrees
- Mashed at 152 degrees plus or minus 1 degree for 60 minutes
- Mash out at 168 degrees
- Mash PH was 5.4
- Pre boil gravity 1.056
- Final gravity 1.063 (measured with refract after cooling to 75 and tilt in fermenter)
Although the mash PH seems to be good could there be an issue with my well water profile that is preventing a higher efficiency? Thoughts? Photos of the milled grain. Thank you.
- 20 gallon CH kettle 220
- 10 gallon batch
- 16.5 gallons of starting water. (well water) (2.12 quarts per lb)
- 31 pounds of various grains
- Milled twice through down to .0030
- Mash Strike 160 degrees
- Mashed at 152 degrees plus or minus 1 degree for 60 minutes
- Mash out at 168 degrees
- Mash PH was 5.4
- Pre boil gravity 1.056
- Final gravity 1.063 (measured with refract after cooling to 75 and tilt in fermenter)
Although the mash PH seems to be good could there be an issue with my well water profile that is preventing a higher efficiency? Thoughts? Photos of the milled grain. Thank you.