Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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ˈkatē ˌkôrnərd,ˈkatər/Submit
adjective & adverb
adverb: kitty-corner; adjective: kitty-corner
situated diagonally opposite someone or something.
"a restaurant cater-cornered from the movie theater"

mid 19th century: from dialect cater ‘diagonally,’ from cater denoting the four on dice, from French quatre ‘four,’ from Latin quattuor .


Always heard it as kitty or caty cornered...wasn't sure all of a sudden if it was actually a thing.
There is a couple that works under me. I had an issue Hiring them because if one is sick the other will get it and so on. They ride together all that crap. They assured my old Boss that there would not be an issue with attendance. They lied. I swear they are plague infested. They must live in an out house with no ventilation. Every week one or the other is out because they are sick then the other misses. Not to mention they bring in their fungus and spread it around the office for everyone to share.
End Rant.
There is a couple that works under me. I had an issue Hiring them because if one is sick the other will get it and so on. They ride together all that crap. They assured my old Boss that there would not be an issue with attendance. They lied. I swear they are plague infested. They must live in an out house with no ventilation. Every week one or the other is out because they are sick then the other misses. Not to mention they bring in their fungus and spread it around the office for everyone to share.
End Rant.

And they probably pick inconvenient times to get sick too!

Just....gonna leave this and not comment.
Soooooo ever loving tired of listening to someone in the cube kiddie-corner to mine who......

I read this and immediately thought you were complaining about a cube where someone took their corner and had completely covered it with their kid's art or something. Likely one adjacent of yours. That was a 180 when it went politics. Even then I still assumed you were just describing the person's cube decorations.

Wasn't until Zuljin corrected it until I figured out what you were describing. :drunk:
Keeping my eye out here for when the millennials start posting about the old guy who comes into the gym and punches on the bags while they are trying to meditate in peace laying in the middle of the floor....ohhhhmmm.

Since when did ping pong become the twenty something group activity where they are literally lined up in the hallways waiting for the table to free up for the next group?!?!?!

Put on some gloves! Let's spar!!!
Put on your big boy pants and let's DEADLIFT!!!!

Hard boiled eggs. I share an office with a brew buddy, but damn, can he stop eating hard boiled eggs in the office. Came back from a meeting this afternoon and about gagged.
Keeping my eye out here for when the millennials start posting about the old guy who comes into the gym ...

Please, I see way more 35+'s doing wrist curls in the squat rack and assisted pull-ups/ sit on the cellphone (alternating sets) than millennials. And the **** doing yoga at the end of the lap pool? Not a member of gen Y.

And what does this have to do with coworkers?
And what does this have to do with coworkers?

Work gym and aerobics rooms. They used to be dungeons in the old building, so no-one but actual weight lifters or hard core aerobics/marathoners went. New building and second location for both and WAY WAY WAY prettier facilities, more inviting, more inclusive, more oooomm.

Number of treadmills and steppers has more than tripled, but the benchs are same ones from the old building 10yrs ago. One squat rack but a buncha seated stations...blech. At least they do have DB's that go up to 120.

So, co-workers.
Please, I see way more 35+'s doing wrist curls in the squat rack and assisted pull-ups/ sit on the cellphone (alternating sets) than millennials. And the **** doing yoga at the end of the lap pool? Not a member of gen Y.

And what does this have to do with coworkers?

Also, seem to have hit a nerve here. I will just acknowledge that you are upset. I am 46yrs old, deadlift over 500lbs, compete in highland games, took 3rd at master's worlds about three years ago and press 120lb db's.

You will never see me on my phone during a workout and I am the guy that asks if the squat rack curlers will be done soon.

As for the lady at the end of the pool....she's been there for the 30 some years I have been lifting. When my mom and I joined a Golds gym in a family package in 1985. Pretty sure she cannot ever leave the pool now.
I guess I should have written that her cube is in the next row and is adjacent to mine on a 45 degree angle. :)

It is covered in her kid's "art" though right? Color book pages with scribbles all over.

BTW, I'm ok with a couple of "kid's art" up. It's the people who have their desk and walls covered in everything their kid did since they were 6mo old that got sent home from daycare that get's me. I want to rip it down and throw it away.
I already done explained to this guy why he can't access the security cameras for Location #7 from any of his mobile devices if he's on cellular data. Four times. Twice in person, twice responding to his emails. The only workaround is to completely restructure the network at this location, which we've already established we don't want to do right now.

Today he emails me that he noticed this morning that he couldn't access the cameras at Location #7 from his phone, so he started a support ticket with our technology contractor to resolve the issue. He emailed me a copy of the ticket for when we receive the bill. Thanks, now we get to pay them $90/hr to reiterate to you what I've already told you four times. :drunk:
Also, seem to have hit a nerve here. I will just acknowledge that you are upset. I am 46yrs old, deadlift over 500lbs, compete in highland games, took 3rd at master's worlds about three years ago and press 120lb db's.

You will never see me on my phone during a workout and I am the guy that asks if the squat rack curlers will be done soon.

As for the lady at the end of the pool....she's been there for the 30 some years I have been lifting. When my mom and I joined a Golds gym in a family package in 1985. Pretty sure she cannot ever leave the pool now.

You did hit a nerve because you chose to make it about a specific age bracket- but I'm not upset. As a millennial, I get annoyed with absurd generalizations about people my age, which often could be more widely applied.

I don't get on about how terrible our FSO is because he's Gen X, or former Navy, or has a mustache, because those aren't the issues- I rail about him because he's a lazy sack of ****.

And the **** at the end of the pool I mentioned doing yoga poses in his speedo is an overweight guy your age that wants to be observed or admired, or is just stretching. But dude, get you junk out of my face.

You can have a cookie for being an accomplished athlete, regardless of your age. I'm not, but I bust my ass harder in the gym then anyone I see at the times I'm there. Everyone I know that is your age has given up lifting heavy, claiming its too hard on their body.

Just trying to demonstrate that you're issues might not be so much of the "kids these days" as you seem to have implied.

Edit: inB4 obligatory "and you all take things too personally"- :D

I'm really just soapboxing a little. I don't understand the thought train that all millennials were treated like delicate little flowers that were handed participation trophies, because I never saw that until my cousins, who are 12 years younger than me, started activities. But then again, I grew up in VT- no hand holding, so... I just don't get it, I guess.
Be it known! If I can hear you eat your lunch because you chew with your mouth open I have fantasized your final moments on this earth!

Rude and disgusting! And if you tell me it's considered a compliment in some cultures I will invite you to relocate.
Be it known! If I can hear you eat your lunch because you chew with your mouth open I have fantasized your final moments on this earth!

I saw this girl in an office we were relocating (i'm a mover, so technically anywhere i go it's work related!), who was chewing her gum fast, with her mouth open. She sees me see her, and immediately goes "I have a boyfriend".

Yeah....hitting on you is NOT what was going through my head.
I saw this girl in an office we were relocating (i'm a mover, so technically anywhere i go it's work related!), who was chewing her gum fast, with her mouth open. She sees me see her, and immediately goes "I have a boyfriend".

Yeah....hitting on you is NOT what was going through my head.

My immediate response would have been, "Me too!" Just so she wouldn't have the satisfaction of turning me down...
Ohhh man, we've got a guy that comes in late daily...he works the 11AM-8PM shift and oversleeps, but somehow always manages to stop at McDonalds on the way. Dude has the absolute lowest numbers of anyone, his month, is about 3 days for me in ticket counts. We make the same exact salary... He also constantly sucks his teeth, it's unbearable. I could go on forever
Currently, I work in a factory in maintenance. I had a boss who would bring the hammer down on the mechanics, but be extra lenient on electricians. He also found reasons to either show up late or leave early almost every day. Rumor has it he would use the company credit card to buy Milwaukee cordless tools, then take them home to resell.

A different boss who turns our daily five minute meeting into at least a thirty minute meeting because he simply cannot STFU. (One time it went 45 minutes)

Production workers who intentionally break the equipment.

The production supervisors communicate with maintenance by walkie talkie. They are also supposed to enter it in the computer system. A lot of times, they call us on the radio, and no one writes it up. I have worked with some guys who conveniently are on the wrong channel, or the volume turned down, or have a dead battery, etc, and end up doing nothing all day while I do all the work. We work twelve hour shifts, and some guys head up to the locker room early, 30 minutes or more. Sometimes, any breakdowns that happen in the last half hour are left for the next crew.

Being a union factory has its perks, but also it's cons. One of our rules is no sleeping. People do sleep, they just do it on break in the break room. That won't get you in trouble, but if you make a bed and hide to sleep, that will, supposedly. One guy was caught hiding and sleeping, only because you could hear him snoring. Another guy was caught on camera doing stuff he wasn't supposed to that resulted in damage to the equipment. The union told management they can't pick on him.

We have one guy in my area who whistles a lot. It wouldn't be bad if he didn't whistle the same thing over and over.
I get a kick out of the average employee who has a highly inflated opinion of their performance. If they get the performance evaluation they deserve, they file a grievance based on totally unrelated reasons. The truth hurts.
Thankfully I have no co-workers. Just some whiny pilots I have to make happy and tell "airplanes fine," or "that's how it's supposed to work." lol
Another one I forgot... Maintenance people at my factory are classified as mechanic or electrician. They have their own school they send everyone to, so much everyone has the same basic education in their field. In one of my classes there was a guy who would not stop talking about his old job. Some of it you couldn't dispute, but a lot of it sounded like 100% bull fertilizer. He would start talking before class and go on and on. Our instructor was too nice to tell him to stop talking, and one day the guy went on for 45 minutes after class started. Just about everything we talked about he had a story for. For gold reason he's known as Lyin' Brian.
There's a fella we work with. Let's call him "Rafiki".

He's got an AZ license, and he failed the company driver's test (we work for a moving company, so AZ drivers are valuable, if they can drive). Halfway through the test, the company manager decided it'd be safer if "Rafiki" did not drive.
Now he's been demoted to "helper", which means other people drive, and he helps them with whatever they're doing. Now he's the company's worst backseat driver. You can't make a turn without him suggesting an alternate route, or reminding you to take your turns wide (even AFTER you've already made the wide turn). On commercial jobs, he's constantly telling people what to do, even after the job supervisors have made it clear he's not to be listened to. Everybody in the company knows that Rafiki isn't the sharpest tool in the shed (He's backed up a cube van into another stationary vehicle, while three of us were yelling at him to stop).

Couple all this with his foreign accent that makes it difficult for him to be understood, and it's easy to see why nobody likes working with him.

And they keep sticking him with ME.

Might be time to change jobs.
People sleeping on the job annoys me to no end. Back when I was working 3rd shift as a sheetfed press assistant in a book printing plant, we had a paper warehouse operator who was without question, one of the laziest mother@#$%ers on the face of the Earth. Let's just call him Steve. That's close enough without being entirely slanderous. Anyhow.....Every single time someone from the pressroom would go to the warehouse to order another skid of paper, Steve was nowhere to be found. A search of the entire shop wouldn't even turn him up. He'd only deliver paper when he as damned good and ready, not when we actually needed it. Everyone in the pressroom knew that he had a secret hiding spot somewhere, we just didn't know WHERE exactly. I was bound and determined to find out and make the sorry SOB pay. I walked into the warehouse one night, and started searching every nook and cranny. Then I noticed from the dust on the floor that a few of the rolls of paper for the web presses looked as if they had been moved. I peek around the backside of a roll of paper, and discovered the little SOB had made a hiding place by moving several rows of paper stacked from the floor to the ceiling away from the warehouse's outer wall. There he was, curled up on a pallet of paper, sound asleep. So, I went and got a piece of scrap pallet wood out of a dumpster, snuck back into where he was hid, and smacked the piece of wood on the floor like a club as hard as I could swing while shouting "GET YOUR SORRY ASS IN GEAR AND BRING US SOME PAPER!!!!!" The smack of the wood against the floor sounded like a shotgun going off. Let's just put it this way....I've never seen anyone run as fast as he did and jump on a forklift to get away! I kept that piece of wood at my workstation in the press room for the longest time after that with the words "THE WAREHOUSE MOTIVATOR" wrote on it with big block lettering, right next to the 20 pound sledgehammer dubbed Mjölnir that we used to tap the runners on pallets away from the lead edges of the paper before we loaded it into the press. :D
There's a fella we work with. Let's call him "Rafiki".

He's got an AZ license, and he failed the company driver's test (we work for a moving company, so AZ drivers are valuable, if they can drive). Halfway through the test, the company manager decided it'd be safer if "Rafiki" did not drive.
Now he's been demoted to "helper", which means other people drive, and he helps them with whatever they're doing. Now he's the company's worst backseat driver. You can't make a turn without him suggesting an alternate route, or reminding you to take your turns wide (even AFTER you've already made the wide turn). On commercial jobs, he's constantly telling people what to do, even after the job supervisors have made it clear he's not to be listened to. Everybody in the company knows that Rafiki isn't the sharpest tool in the shed (He's backed up a cube van into another stationary vehicle, while three of us were yelling at him to stop).

Couple all this with his foreign accent that makes it difficult for him to be understood, and it's easy to see why nobody likes working with him.

And they keep sticking him with ME.

Might be time to change jobs.

Might they put him with you because they like you?
How do I forget the worst boss I ever had? She was in charge of the mold shop when I had to work for her. (Tire molds) She micromanaged everyone and everything to the point that she wasn't doing her job because she was doing everyone else's. It was bad enough that her boss moved her out of the mold shop office into a private office about 100 yards away. She reamed one guy for signing documents "M S" ( his initials) because she thought it meant "mold shop". She was known for calling in at all hours of the night asking why such and such press didn't pass inspection. One time she came in on a Saturday, hid in a side room, and watched when the guys went to break and when they came back. She literally told us in one of the daily meetings that we don't have enough molds passing inspection the first time. The next breath she says to just get the mold in the press and let the inspectors tell us what needs to be fixed.

When she trained her replacement, she told him the guys were difficult to deal with and don't like authority. When she left and the new boss took over, he basically said " Just get your work done, and everything will be good.". Hes been a pretty good guy to work for.
We are a 4 person crew required to have at least 2 person coverage 7 days a week. My pain in the arse report had approved time off for the Friday before Memorial Day and the Tuesday after giving her a 5 day weekend. She gives an email last week saying she can't work the Thursday before b/c of a personal medical reason. She is one of only 2 people on that day. HR basically said I can't deny the leave. I would have told her tough sh**, but now I'll probably have to ask one of her coworkers to fill in. BTW, they both despise her. Drafting a comprehensive scheduling policy to end this crap and her annual review will reflect her being an inconsiderate ass.
We are a 4 person crew required to have at least 2 person coverage 7 days a week. My pain in the arse report had approved time off for the Friday before Memorial Day and the Tuesday after giving her a 5 day weekend. She gives an email last week saying she can't work the Thursday before b/c of a personal medical reason. She is one of only 2 people on that day. HR basically said I can't deny the leave. I would have told her tough sh**, but now I'll probably have to ask one of her coworkers to fill in. BTW, they both despise her. Drafting a comprehensive scheduling policy to end this crap and her annual review will reflect her being an inconsiderate ass.

Be careful. If it looks like retaliation for a medical issue, you could be getting your employer (and yourself because in some states you may be personally liable for discrimination) in hot water or get sued.

Before you put anything in writing on her annual review, make sure HR has your back and approves it.
I hear ya. Annual review considers empathy and what not and it's not the first time she's been this inconsiderate. I've already been cleared to draft a policy that covers things the corporate policy doesn't. We are a satellite office and contract employees so corporate policies don't necessarily cover the issues we face.
Have a coworker who is in self-destruct mode. Basically daring the company to fire him, broke up with his girlfriend last week, losing a custody battle with his ex-wife. Got moved out of a private office into the bullpen (cube area) today.

I'm just slightly concerned that he's nearing the snapping point... and am giving serious thought to 'bending' company policy and wearing my concealed carry rig tomorrow.
Life Safety is nothing to be toyed with. If there are serious concerns a quick call to HR with your concerns would be a good idea.

Yeah, I found out that the trigger words are 'i feel threatened'. I had a co-worker that went off in a loud argument on the floor. Seems I was the only one (on a floor of 20, and 5 management) that went to management and said something. I wanted that on the record.

The question 'but do you feel threatened?' came up twice. It seems that might have been the point when HR would have done something. Stupid me, I said no because the guy is all bluster and used to ghetto yelling to get his way. Now he is still here almost a year later, two more tantrums on the floor, and turns out ALL of management is scared of him and will never correct him in case he yells again.

I should have said yes.
Life Safety is nothing to be toyed with. If there are serious concerns a quick call to HR with your concerns would be a good idea.
Agreed; all of the higher-ups in the office are aware of his current state. What triggered me is a comment he made in the parking lot as we were leaving last night. Odds are 97% that it was a "harmless" comment - we joke about things quite a bit that probably shouldn't be joked about. But given all that has gone on lately...

I did have a text message exchange with my boss last night discussing the possibility of it being a valid concern - he agreed that the individual is not completely stable right now, but not likely to act out in the office. Going to keep tabs on things for a few days and see how they progress.

(In all honesty, this change might do him good - in his office, he could sit and stew about things, and privately b*tch to people. Out in the middle of the bullpen, he can't dwell on it as much)
That one dude who quit like three months ago, but still comes back once a week, ostensibly to "visit" but really to tell us how we're all doing our jobs wrong.

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