Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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My desk is across the hall from the only bathroom in the building. I have the privilege of hearing every single sound to come out of there. It annoys me most of the time but sometimes it can be hilarious. The best is when someone walks in at exactly the right time and the door is open for a huge fart that echoes through the entire building
My desk is across the hall from the only bathroom in the building. I have the privilege of hearing every single sound to come out of there. It annoys me most of the time but sometimes it can be hilarious. The best is when someone walks in at exactly the right time and the door is open for a huge fart that echoes through the entire building

I know exactly what your talking about. It's pretty bad I can tell exactly who is in there by what time it is or the noises .
Another b1tch who has the same role as me is constantly behind and every meeting we have she steers the conversation to how busy she is and she doesn't have time to get her work done, change how she does her job, and certainly not enough time to take on an ounce more of work.

She was in the office for a total of 3 hours yesterday and showed up an hour late today. I can already tell she will be bailing early and will not be taking any work home with her. We are salaried and have the ability to take our work home with us.

She has not put in a 40 hour week since the middle of November.

I get asked to help and I swear I'll burn this place to the ground.

I wish I could have a beer at lunch.
Another b1tch who has the same role as me is constantly behind and every meeting we have she steers the conversation to how busy she is and she doesn't have time to get her work done, change how she does her job, and certainly not enough time to take on an ounce more of work.

She was in the office for a total of 3 hours yesterday and showed up an hour late today. I can already tell she will be bailing early and will not be taking any work home with her. We are salaried and have the ability to take our work home with us.

She has not put in a 40 hour week since the middle of November.

I get asked to help and I swear I'll burn this place to the ground.

I wish I could have a beer at lunch.

What's stopping you?
Being in charge of the company vehicles invariably means that I'll be asked, upon occasion, if an employee can use one for a personal reason. If they're cleared to drive, it's usually not a problem. I have the list,I know who's on it, the people on it know they're on it. I just got asked by a guy who I know for a fact has 2 DUI's and a suspended licence if he can use the van to move this weekend. Told him it's a no go. He called me an a**hole.

Happy freaking Friday dude.
I am almost universally loved around here. My friends outnumber my enemies ten to one. I don't have to throat punch him, it'll work itself out.
Being in charge of the company vehicles invariably means that I'll be asked, upon occasion, if an employee can use one for a personal reason. If they're cleared to drive, it's usually not a problem. I have the list,I know who's on it, the people on it know they're on it. I just got asked by a guy who I know for a fact has 2 DUI's and a suspended licence if he can use the van to move this weekend. Told him it's a no go. He called me an a**hole.

Happy freaking Friday dude.

LOL...Love it.
Brad, the guy in my office that pisses on the toilet seat and then doesn't clean it up because of the flu (reference a few pages back) has a few DUIs.....borrowed a company truck to move an appliance last year. First he wrecked it into a telephone pole, but it was drive-able, so he brought it back, but when he got back the gate to the parking lot was locked, and his car was up in the parking lot with gate keys in it. Now, its pretty easy to walk around the gate, but it is about a 1/4 mile walk up to the lot, so instead of doing that, he decided to take the 2 wheel drive truck off road, around the gate, and through a wet weather drainage ditch. Not only did he get it hopelessly stuck in the mud, but he made a massive mess of the field around the ditch, and threw mud all over the truck in what appeared to be about an hour long attempt at spinning the rear tires.

Probably the best part of the story is that he just left it there. Walked up and got in his car, drove down, unlocked the gate, went home and never called anyone. That was a Saturday night. My boss came in Sunday to do some work, pulled in, the gate is wide open, the work truck has a bashed in passenger door, and is stuck in the mud out in the field.

Monday morning, Brad came to work like nothing had happened, and didn't even say anything until approached about it. Then he just said, oh yeah sorry about that, meant to call you on your cell Sunday morning.

I assume he was hammered drunk.
LOL...Love it.
Brad, the guy in my office that pisses on the toilet seat and then doesn't clean it up because of the flu (reference a few pages back) has a few DUIs.....borrowed a company truck to move an appliance last year. First he wrecked it into a telephone pole, but it was drive-able, so he brought it back, but when he got back the gate to the parking lot was locked, and his car was up in the parking lot with gate keys in it. Now, its pretty easy to walk around the gate, but it is about a 1/4 mile walk up to the lot, so instead of doing that, he decided to take the 2 wheel drive truck off road, around the gate, and through a wet weather drainage ditch. Not only did he get it hopelessly stuck in the mud, but he made a massive mess of the field around the ditch, and threw mud all over the truck in what appeared to be about an hour long attempt at spinning the rear tires.

Probably the best part of the story is that he just left it there. Walked up and got in his car, drove down, unlocked the gate, went home and never called anyone. That was a Saturday night. My boss came in Sunday to do some work, pulled in, the gate is wide open, the work truck has a bashed in passenger door, and is stuck in the mud out in the field.

Monday morning, Brad came to work like nothing had happened, and didn't even say anything until approached about it. Then he just said, oh yeah sorry about that, meant to call you on your cell Sunday morning.

I assume he was hammered drunk.

Just got to chat with his supervisor because he went out on the floor and railed about how unfair I am and I let everyone get away with all kinds of stuff...that I don't. I don't have eyes everywhere. He's in HR getting written up for discourteous conduct.

My coworker has done nothing all day but surf CNN and bark out headlines.

I am a program admin, as is he. We have our work come from field staff, so things can slow down.
I have spent my time (when not on this sight lol) revamping material for our website, revising and updating our training material and publication material.
He just sits there yawning loudly.
And management does not want to spend the time or effort to go through the process of removing him!
There are four people in my office right now; not one of them is talking to me. One came in and asked for a drawing, another came in to ask that guy about his kids. Then two passerby's decided they wanted in on it.

Beat it nerds.
There are four people in my office right now; not one of them is talking to me. One came in and asked for a drawing, another came in to ask that guy about his kids. Then two passerby's decided they wanted in on it.

Beat it nerds.

My office can become quite the hangout. I usually make something up to go do.
I just stare at them, occasionally letting out a ridiculously sarcastic, and equally loud laugh. Might as well make it awkward when I can. I swear half these people don't do anything.
How is this not a firing offense... several times over?

I think they keep him around for a few different reasons.
1. he has been with the company about 20 years.
2. he does a few things that would be hard to replace
3. boss feels sorry for him because he lost everything in a divorce (not surprised)
4. maybe he is kept around for the comic relief of stories about him (theres many more)
I think they keep him around for a few different reasons.
1. he has been with the company about 20 years.
2. he does a few things that would be hard to replace
3. boss feels sorry for him because he lost everything in a divorce (not surprised)
4. maybe he is kept around for the comic relief of stories about him (theres many more)

1, 2, and 4 are pretty much the reasons they made me a supervisor. 3 is never gonna happen.
My coworker has done nothing all day but surf CNN and bark out headlines.

I am a program admin, as is he. We have our work come from field staff, so things can slow down.
I have spent my time (when not on this sight lol) revamping material for our website, revising and updating our training material and publication material.
He just sits there yawning loudly.
And management does not want to spend the time or effort to go through the process of removing him!

Yeah, but you've been on HBT all day... snickering in the corner.

He's probably posting on an Anderson Cooper fan board about how annoyed he is right now.
There are four people in my office right now; not one of them is talking to me. One came in and asked for a drawing, another came in to ask that guy about his kids. Then two passerby's decided they wanted in on it.

Beat it nerds.
Be glad you have an office. The CEO of my company is all about "open spaces", so only 5 offices in my building have doors (and those are glass barn-door style that don't block all the sound), 6 more offices have full walls, but no doors (they are framed out to add a door later if we can ever talk the head cheese into it). 7 cubicles in the middle, with 4.5' walls between them, and 3 desks along the front window with a little 8" high divider between them.

My desk (one of the 7 cubicles) sits 6' from our main printer/copier, and right next to a large island countertop that FREQUENTLY gets used for project discussions - and several of our engineers have no concept of "you don't need to talk full-voiced all the time". I keep a pair of studio monitor headphones at my desk specifically for blocking out enough of the noise that I can get my work done.

What's really infuriating is when someone will walk into my cube to talk over the wall to the guy in the cube next to me. It's 20 feet to walk around the outside, f*cker. Try that.

I have no shame in farting on those people. If you're going to stand in my space, you're going to do it in my stench :)
I love my co-workers!!!

Picture 008.jpg
I ain't no hippie. Just trying to bring some positive vibes to this thread but you're pretty funny.
Had no idea about surly, not from MN, until I googled it now I get your joke. Also, I liked your previous picture of the green Oompa Loompa better than the Lord of the rings knock off!!!!!
You know what grinds my gears (Peter Griffin), I call in last friday (my 3rd time in over 5 years...) and everyone busts my balls....Ive got thick skin. But all the fu**ers I work with call in 4-5x a year at least!!!
Yeah, but you've been on HBT all day... snickering in the corner.

He's probably posting on an Anderson Cooper fan board about how annoyed he is right now.

Actually he posts on Facebook an then rants to the office that Ann Margaret is talking back to him.

For the record I don't have a cubicle, just a 1970's style metal desk, so open , no privacy, but I can multi task my work and beer talk.
Coworker mentions she saw some movie over the weekend while we were eating lunch.

Just trying to make polite conversation, I asked, "oh, how was it?", expecting maybe a brief sentence or two in reply.

Coworker proceeds to begin describing, scene-by-scene, the entire movie, including notable dialogue exchanges, character backgrounds, what each character was "feeling", what characters were wearing, what their houses looked like, and pretty much the entire plot including all minor details. I don't even know if she liked the movie; she never got around to mentioning that part.

After about 15 minutes of her nonstop jabbering (and me nodding my head and saying "uhuh.... uhuh...." ), I had to interrupt her and told her I needed to get back to work. I was asking you if you enjoyed the movie, not for a play-by-play analysis. Dafuq is wrong with you? :confused: