Hi, thought to use the oak for an imperial stout for the first time, but I'm unsure of the whole procedure. Firstly, it's a small batch of 5 liters only.
I have a few questions for you who are used to the use of oak and have achieved good results.
1. How much of the American medium toast (or else for that matter) per liter of wort/beer? 1-2 grams / liter?
2. How long should it stay in? I have a 5 liter glass carboy so I wont be able to take samples, need to take a risk here.
3. How do you clean it without having in it vodka? I do not have any liquor (its gone here at home) and I thought that there might be other ways, like use it in the oven? Or cook / pasteurization in some water etc etc.
I want my Imperial Stout to have the smell and taste of oak but not that it dominates the rest of the good malt already in it.
Grateful for answers!
Sorry for my english btw, Im from sweden (though that's no excuse)
I have a few questions for you who are used to the use of oak and have achieved good results.
1. How much of the American medium toast (or else for that matter) per liter of wort/beer? 1-2 grams / liter?
2. How long should it stay in? I have a 5 liter glass carboy so I wont be able to take samples, need to take a risk here.
3. How do you clean it without having in it vodka? I do not have any liquor (its gone here at home) and I thought that there might be other ways, like use it in the oven? Or cook / pasteurization in some water etc etc.
I want my Imperial Stout to have the smell and taste of oak but not that it dominates the rest of the good malt already in it.
Grateful for answers!
Sorry for my english btw, Im from sweden (though that's no excuse)