And so far... happy with my Stasis. Made a custom fitting to seal the thermowell to the supplied thermocouple. 1/2" NPT Male to 1/4" MFL Male Flare Adapter. Had to open all the holes to .203 to get the tc through. Modified this coupling to add an internal taper so an o-ring will close up on the wire when compressed with a 1/4" female flare cap. Modified the flare cap by drilling a .203 hole through it. I had to use two nylon flare gaskets stacked to get the spacing right. This is for a Spike Brewing Flex fermenter.
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Really Nice work! I'm looking to get a Spike Flex + but I brew 3 - 3.5 gallon batches, not sure if the chiller coil submerges deep enough into the wort though.
I did a water test with my Stasis. I put 5 gallons of 112F water in a bucket and connected the Stasis to a copper immersion chiller and dropped it in the bucket. It chilled 5 gallons from 112 - 60F in about 1:20. It's definitely louder than my dehumidifier but didn't seem any louder than comparable units I've been around.