Thank GOD we don't have similar avatar rules!

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We live in a stupid society. Next thing you know they will be covering up ankles. Get a grip people. Besides, what are all those fat guys going to do in PE when they get picked for the skins team, I mean man-maries are more and more common in our super-size society. Now butt cracks are another matter all together.
At least it's not Iraq:
The implementation of sharia law has spawned some bizarre killings in the name of "religious conservatism".
This from NPR:
Shepards were murdered for failing to diaper goats.
E. Bagdhad store owners shot and the store firebombed because they suggestively arranged vegetables according to clerics.

Democracy is on the march though...
I saw the most disgusting thing ever...

A woman was forcing a child to look at her breast. Actually shoving it in the child's face. What was truly dispicable is that the child was a baby and I heard that the lady was the baby's mother! What kind of a mother would let a child see a breast? They should be hidden from all society. Women should be embarassed of their bodies and never allow their skin to have sunlight cast upon it.

Luckily, we men have nothing to hide in shame.

That's one mo' sexy mo'fugga!!!!! I'm just proud of him for having the courage to pull it off. What is it about us that we can look like that guy, but still have the nerve to look at a woman and say " She'd look good if she lost a few pounds." ? Hooray for men ! We've got it made.

Reasons I thank God for being born male:
1. We're never ashamed to wear whatever at the beach.
2. We never ask our buddies " Do these overall make my ass look fat?"
3. Cellulite?
4. We can still feel good about ourselves when we're fat and bald.
5. We don't automatically hate guys who look better than us. We don't even recognize that trait in other men.

Any more?
Only the freakin' EU would consider that kind of regulation. God, it's got to suck to live with a government that doesn't consider you responsible enough to apply friggin' sunblock. Not that ours is all that great, but....