Imperial Stout Ten Fidy Clone

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OK so its been in the primary for 3 months and now its time to bottle. Do I need to add any yeast at bottling to get it to carb? I have had bad luck in the past with my yeast not having enough juice left to carb 10% and above beer.
OK so its been in the primary for 3 months and now its time to bottle. Do I need to add any yeast at bottling to get it to carb? I have had bad luck in the past with my yeast not having enough juice left to carb 10% and above beer.

I usually throw some champagne yeast in high ABV beers (10% and higher) to assure carbonation.
Has anyone tried biab the oats/specialty grains then used that wort along with the appropriate water as strike water with base grains? With such a large grain bill, thought this might help for space and stuck mash issues. Just curious.
I have, I gelatinized the oats in a bowl of water in the microwave first then dumped it into the muslim bag. Worked great, nice smooth frothy head after. No stuck starge... Good luck

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I found a recipe for Ten Fidy on Brewtoad here

There is another recipe for ten tidy on these forums here

The recipes are very similar, but a difference I notice is that the recipe on brew toad includes two crystal malts at 7 % each (caramalt and crisp 77), while the recipe on the forums here only has one crystal malt at approximately 7%.

Both recipes state they are provided by a head/former-head brewer at Oskar Blues. I am wondering if using both crystal malts will be too much crystal. What do you guys think?

Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt - Crushed 14
Briess Munich 10L - 1 lb. crushed 4
Briess Chocolate Malt - 1 lb. crushed 2
Briess Organic Roast Barley - 1 lb. crushed 2 (using 1.7 lb)
Flaked Oats - 1 lb. whole 2
English Dark Crystal - 1 lb. crushed 2
White Labs WLP001 California Ale 3
Columbus Hop Pellets 8 oz. 1
Simpsons Crystal Light - 1 lb. crushed 2

Also, just ordered the above ingredients from Northern brewer. I won't use all of the crystal depending on the feedback I receive here. The English (simpsons) dark crystal was the closest thing I could find to "crisp 77". Nothing on northern brewer just called Cara-malt (UK) so I went with simpsons light crystal. Hoping these are appropriate.

This order is for a Partigyle style brew of 8-10 gallons, using the first runnings (1/3 -1/2 of total wort) for the Ten Fidy. Not sure what the second runnings will be, guess a dry stout or porter.
Thanks pop-tarts. I reread my post and in case it was confusing, I posted a link to the recipe i found, and also a copy/paste of my recent northern brewer order, which included extra ingredients for another beer (extra hops / yeast).
Ok I just followed the link you shared. I hadn't found that page in my searching. The recipe looks very similar to the one on brewtoad in that it includes both cara-30 and crisp-77. Thank you.
Brewed this and its great. Kegged after three weeks. Hard to tell the difference from this and my four pack of the original. Just a great beer. Was going to let to age a bit but thats not going to happen.
Bottled this after 6.5 months in the tank. Smells and tastes great, can wait for it to carb up. F.G. was 1.027
Well, my first attempt is now kegged. OG was 1.090. FG at 1.028. About 3 weeks in primary. Sample was alcohol, roasty, sweet malt, tad bitter from hops and black as can be. Obviously needs to mellow and age, but should be good. Thanks for the recipe!
I was very close to your numbers 1.089 and FG 1.020. Mine is close to 4 weeks old now and taste great. It would benefit from some aging but is an awesome beer right now. Shared some with my local brew club tonight and everyone was stoked
I was very close to your numbers 1.089 and FG 1.020. Mine is close to 4 weeks old now and taste great. It would benefit from some aging but is an awesome beer right now. Shared some with my local brew club tonight and everyone was stoked

Good for you man! I'm really not a wait for 8 months kind of guy myself. My 23yr son loves it after only 4 weeks best critic.
yes i would add half that to 5 gallons. i just put 3.5 ounces in a plastic sandwich bag than add enough oak so that its covered. Let it soak for a week and just poor the liquid in the keg or bottle bucket
I'm giving this a go this weekend. I've never done a beer with this big of a grain bill and am nervous that it won't fit into my 10 gal pot. I'm also trying to figure out a strategy for how much water to start with and to sparge with because I'm a BIAB brewer. I usually brew with around 9 lbs of grains, mash in 5 gal of water, and then sparge with 2.5 gal of 170 degree water. I doubt 5 gal of water will be enough for this grain bill. Anyone have any ideas?
Huh? Do you mean split it up into 2, mash the 1st batch of grains, and then mash the 2nd batch in the wort from the 1st mash?
Not necessarily. Mash as usual, just use half the amount if grain as the recipe calls for in each mash. Collect wort from the first mash, set it aside while the second mash is going, collect the second, proceed as usual.

Or partigyle as the second mash is going if you have an extra kettle/bucket available.
Brewed this yesterday. Made a few variations. Used maris otter as the base, used a little less of the chocolate and barley and slightly increased the base and lighter specialtys. For yeast I am using wyeast 1450 Dennys Favorite 50. and I first wort hopped 30% of the hop additions keeping the estimated IBUs the same.

I also made a kitchen sink out of the final runnings after I got my volume. Threw together some leftover hops I had in my freezer, and some wlp 090 i just harvested from a previous brew. Ended up with 2.5 Gallons @ 1.030 OG. Should be an interesting session stout.
I have a 10 gallon cooler. Only thing i did different was mash 2lbs of oatmeal separate in a pot and strainer then add the liquid to the cooler. Otherwise all 20+lbs grain and water just barely fit.

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