I found a recipe for Ten Fidy on Brewtoad here
There is another recipe for ten tidy on these forums here
The recipes are very similar, but a difference I notice is that the recipe on brew toad includes two crystal malts at 7 % each (caramalt and crisp 77), while the recipe on the forums here only has one crystal malt at approximately 7%.
Both recipes state they are provided by a head/former-head brewer at Oskar Blues. I am wondering if using both crystal malts will be too much crystal. What do you guys think?
Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt - Crushed 14
Briess Munich 10L - 1 lb. crushed 4
Briess Chocolate Malt - 1 lb. crushed 2
Briess Organic Roast Barley - 1 lb. crushed 2 (using 1.7 lb)
Flaked Oats - 1 lb. whole 2
English Dark Crystal - 1 lb. crushed 2
White Labs WLP001 California Ale 3
Columbus Hop Pellets 8 oz. 1
Simpsons Crystal Light - 1 lb. crushed 2
Also, just ordered the above ingredients from Northern brewer. I won't use all of the crystal depending on the feedback I receive here. The English (simpsons) dark crystal was the closest thing I could find to "crisp 77". Nothing on northern brewer just called Cara-malt (UK) so I went with simpsons light crystal. Hoping these are appropriate.
This order is for a Partigyle style brew of 8-10 gallons, using the first runnings (1/3 -1/2 of total wort) for the Ten Fidy. Not sure what the second runnings will be, guess a dry stout or porter.