Just did it last week. Last Sat night, went to the U2 concert at Soldier Field...decided the best way to get there was by bicycle. Had a few homebrews to prep at home, then rode down (15 miles) with a water bottle full of Arrogant Bastard clone. Was expecting all BMC at the show...but they had a Guinness stand. So I downed a bunch of Imperial pints of that during the show, then rode the 15 miles home.
Woke up Sun and felt like sh!t. All day. (Note to self: 30 miles on bicylce with beer as your only hydration = bad idea).
Had been hitting the HB pretty hard lately anyway, so decided to take a few days off. Went all week with none; didn't really notice any difference. So I figured I'm OK, and back off the "wagon" I go...