taking a 5 day hiatus from drinking

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Hey, you're not the only one. Although it's not so much to prove it to myself (I know I can) but that the last couple of weeks have been pretty hardcore with beer drinking and I feel like I need a break. I am still planning on brewing this upcoming weekend, though. I just might not do the HAH part of RDWHAH.
Just did it last week. Last Sat night, went to the U2 concert at Soldier Field...decided the best way to get there was by bicycle. Had a few homebrews to prep at home, then rode down (15 miles) with a water bottle full of Arrogant Bastard clone. Was expecting all BMC at the show...but they had a Guinness stand. So I downed a bunch of Imperial pints of that during the show, then rode the 15 miles home.

Woke up Sun and felt like sh!t. All day. (Note to self: 30 miles on bicylce with beer as your only hydration = bad idea).

Had been hitting the HB pretty hard lately anyway, so decided to take a few days off. Went all week with none; didn't really notice any difference. So I figured I'm OK, and back off the "wagon" I go...
I can't. I've always been told Jesus hates a quitter. I don't know much about what he thinks about a "vacationer", but I'm not taking any chances. Off for the next pint!
I went the first three weeks in June without any alcohol just to prove I could. A while later my better half decided he wanted to see if he could be sober for the whole month of August. I joined in to be supportive. We got three weeks in and decided we've proved our point, and we threw out the whole "sobriety" thing and cracked some cold ones.
Why not stop drinking until your brew pipeline is completely full to the point where you look around and say "Jesus! Somebody needs to start drinking some of this f*ck!ng beer!" or something along those lines...

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