Sunday Morning

Homebrew Talk

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Continuing my time off between holidays so, instead of driving an hour into work, I'm sipping java and looking out the window at our little overcast corner of the lake. Several neighbors who have procrastinated for years are now building homes on their lots. What should normally be a serene low-water-level winter woods view is currently a patchwork of construction sites echoing with the pops of nail guns and Tejano music.
Gonna be in the 60s today. I think I'll take the XR out for a little pig-trail scratch.
I kegged a Belgian Patersbier yesterday and I'm out of kits now. Tried to put together a Landlord Strong at GF and they were out of Cluster hops. I have 10 bucks worth of Rewards points at AHS. Maybe I'll try them later. I'll have to build it from scratch tho. All their European clones are "Sold Out" as kits. Have been ever since their assimilation.
Sorry but I really like this old thread and am dragging it back...

This Sunday morning, the last one of 2024, dawns a warm 36* with very overcast skies. This morning I skipped breakfast for a cup of coffee and few stale Christmas cookies. The warm weather has the grouse woods calling my soul to be in much wilder places. so I think I will spend the first couple hours with my pointer deep in the thickets of western New York's Finger Lakes wine country. Then maybe I'll cut some firewood before watching the Bill's take it to the Jet's. Hopefully we will have a grouse to roast for dinner, but I doubt it. Tomorrow will be a slow day at work so I am going to try and brew a cream ale while working. I'll need to spend some time collecting my brew gear and loading it in the truck.

May the good Lord bless your Sunday and every day.
Simple cream ale brewing.😀


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Sunday morning has rolled around once again. It is a cold 16*F here in Western New York and I am scheduled to meet a friend shortly after first light to let our dogs run, and maybe find a late season pheasant or two. I'll start the morning with a couple eggs over easy, toast and a cup of strong black coffee. This afternoon I'll watch the Bills and Pat's game. Chuck roast will be our dinner. All in all a pretty typical Sunday here,

May the Good Lord bless your Sunday. Enjoy.
Cold and snowing on top of a thin layer of ice hear in KC. The news shows traffic accidents all over town. I'm dinking coffee with the wood stove going with two house cats and a dog nearby. When the sun comes up it's time to feed the chickens and two barn cats. It's a great day to stay in by the fire.
Be safe, warm and stay home if you can.
Had a great Sunday morning. The wife is recovering from surgery so I made us eggs over easy, sausage pattys, and thick cut bacon on my outdoor griddle. Toast and coffee were added to the table and afterward we just sat and talked and then watched one of her favorite shows on tv. Then I went out and fed the chickens, and put a new pump on my fish pond out front. Beautiful day, life is good!

Had a great Sunday morning. The wife is recovering from surgery so I made us eggs over easy, sausage pattys, and thick cut bacon on my outdoor griddle. Toast and coffee were added to the table and afterward we just sat and talked and then watched one of her favorite shows on tv. Then I went out and fed the chickens, and put a new pump on my fish pond out front. Beautiful day, life is good!

What no snow 🤣🤣🤣
The ever rolling wheel of time brings us to another Sunday Morning. This morning it is a warmer than usual 27* here in Western New York. I have promised to take one of the boys from my Gun Club's youth program out and see if we can find a late season ringneck. Looks like it will be a good morning for spending in the great outdoors. Rocket my English Pointer, and I hunted with a friend and his Setter yesterday morning and were able to come home with just one bird. It was a bit crisper yesterday with temps around 12* when we set the dogs loose. Today should be a little more enjoyable weather wise. I'll spend a few hours hunting before heading home and getting ready for some playoff football. Hopefully the Bills will be handing it to the Broncos this afternoon. We will have ham and all the fixings for out Sunday supper. All in all a pretty typical Sunday around here.

I hope all is well with you and yours this Sunday. God Bless.
Happy Sunday everyone.

Gonna be a GSD today. Already cleaned the 1st floor in prep to take down xmass with the family and hauled up the MIL's treadmill from the basement and have it ready to take over to her place and haul it back down.

I will ask at what age do i start to realize that I am already further past 25 than actually being 25? Sooner or later I need to stop acting like pulling a large, heavy, awkward thing like a treadmill up and down stairs is really not hard and that I don't need help, right?

Sadly the trio of mini-me's are about 10 years from taking those loads off my hands literally, so time to load it up and take it over there.
Sunday mornings at my house are pretty predictable. We watch one political round up show over a cup of freshly brewed coffee, then I prepare Sunday “brunch” which was eggs and sausage with homemade bread.
The rest of the day varies. Since temps are climbing up to 40, we will work on moving some things from expensive storage to less expensive storage. Hubby is settled in to watch some football.
Have a fine day everyone.
As a youngster in high school, I was taught many things I now call into question. The one thing that I find myself questioning most often as the years pass by, is the lesson we were taught that time is a constant. It simply isn't true. The older I get, and the less time I have left on this earth, the faster every second, minute and hour passes. It is hard to believe that Sunday morning has come once again. Surely it was just a day or two ago I was sitting in my recliner, imagining my Sunday activities, and sharing them here in this thread.

This Sunday morning will be spent very similar to the last few months of Sundays. My dog, Rocket, and I will spend the first few hours of the day perusing our passion. There is just something magical about the jingling of the bell on a crisp, cold winters morning as a few flakes of snow drift down from the sky, falling on a placid overgrown pasture, where, maybe, just maybe, the King of game birds may be hiding. If luck and the Good Lord sees it fit, the bell will fall instantly silent, Rocket will be found locked solid as if frozen it time, and then the thicket floor will erupt in an explosion of powder dry snow and the thunder of Mr. Ruffs wing beats. I've been chasing Ruffed grouse for more than 40 years and it is as exciting to me today as it was in the 1980's.

There are only a few more weeks left in this years small game seasons here in western New York. Soon our walks will be just for exercise, still enjoyable but nowhere near the same.

I'll start the day with a couple of pancakes, a pair of sausage patties and a pot of strong black coffee. I'll end it, hopefully, with a victory dance here in my living room as the Bills triumph over the Ravens. In between there will be firewood to move, a wood splitter to be repaired, some dinner appropriate for a Sunday and maybe, if time and my wife permit, a nap.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable Sunday. God Bless.
Woke up early, around 5am. Didn't feel like sleeping any longer so I got up and brewed a nice Scottish Ale that I had ready to go. Trying the no chill method of wort cooling.... well sort of. It's about 5˚ degrees out so I just set the covered kettle on the deck for a while.

Must not forget it, lest I have a nice block of wort later today.

Blessings all.
Semi lazy day here. I got up at 6, had my coffee with the local news. Fixed my version of an egg mcmuffin, started a batch of laundry, fixed my wife some breakfast and now I relax by power washing some mineral specimens I collected yesterday(as soon as the temp gets above freezing). Then maybe some football and house cleaning, nothing particularly demanding or tough.
Woke up to sunshine and -13F. Predicted high temp will be below zero, with wind chills in the negative 30s. Not going anywhere. Started the day with a couple cups of home-roasted coffee, made up some breakfast burritos, and we will probably watch a couple movies. We are Luddites who don't have cable or streaming services, but we do have a box full of DVDs, so that's our entertainment today.
Got up today and put a turkey on the smoker as the wife was in the mood for a nice turkey dinner. She is making an aweome corn caserole and mashed sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. After putting the bird on the smoker I made some coffee and we had eggs over easy with biscuits and jelly. Just hanging around today and taking it easy today. It's a rainy and cool dreary day as far as Florida days go but we are making the best of it and looking forward to dinner!

Again the wheel of time has rolled around another Sunday Morning. Here in Western New York's Steuben County the morning dawns a warm 26*F. Well, much warmer than its been lately anyway. Today will be spent doing some outside yard cleanup and preparation to get ready for a load of firewood logs we are supposed to get delivered sometime this week. Rocket will need to be run, although the wind is gusting pretty steady at the moment and may limit where that gets done. I'd like to get to a newish local micro brewery and check them out this afternoon. Then, I love to see the Bills secure a Super Bowl appearance this evening.

We had a big dinner last night so it will likely be just a cup of good strong black coffee to start the day. Dinner will probably be an order of wings at the micro.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Sunday. God Bless!
This is our warmest morning in 3 weeks(33F), with the added and unusual bonus of no wind. We're going with another couple to search for an old turquoise mine just a few miles south of our house. If we find it we'll be back by 3 to watch the game and await the plumber to fix our water heater. If we don't find it we'll be back a lot sooner. It should be a very pleasant day.
Good Sunday morning!
Yes warmer weather today, and should be a great day for the National Championship celebration down at the Shoe today. Had we not been passing this bug around the house I would head down and take in scene (it is a very easy bike ride from the house).
That being said probably staying home all day and hanging with the sick kiddo, and the other 2 ticking time bombs. 1 likely is to not start "expressing" symptoms until about 1am (never fails), so going hope to get in bed early just in case.
Got new tires in for the SxS and tried to change them out yesterday. First tire was too cold to break down with my cheesy Harbor Freight tire gizmo, so I just aired it back up and put it back on. I guess I'm gonna have to wait until it gets warm enough to lay them in the sun a while. Probably April at this rate. I'm trying to avoid paying somebody to swap them but that option is smirking at me right now. Never find anyone to do it today. Looks like a job for next weekend. Just dosed the coffee with Bailey's and settling in for full-on butt-scratch-and-yawn mode. Might burn some stuff later if the wind stays down. Looking at old bikes for sale on FB Marketplace. May pick up an old 2-stroke project. Nothing goes with a homebrew like checking for spark and listening to music. Wife is walking the treadmill behind me... hope she can't read this. She's not a big fan of dismantled bikes.
Nice lazy day here. Cool morning and warming to 70 degrees, perfect! My wife made the batter and I cooked blueberry pancakes and bacon on the outdoor griddle, with hot coffee (hazelnut was the choice today). The birds were having a ball taking their turn at the bird feeder. I have a nice variety of birds in my yard. Cardinals, Blue Jays, Two types of Woodpeckers, Tufted Titmouse, Finches, Blue Birds, and today the anual Robin Red Breast arrived here in huge numbers from up North eating bugs and grubs on the lawn. I finished cleaning my fermentor which was soaking with PBW and I will hang out and watch football today. Nice day!
