Suitable Material For Brewery "Backsplash"

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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After an incident with a camlock letting go in my electric brewery i'm relocating my setup to a new area and would like to install a backsplash to protect the wall from any splatters.

Stainless costs an arm and a leg so i was wondering about other products like 20 gauge cold rolled steel, inexpensive at 45$ a sheet, or galvanized. I know ventilation / roofing companies often carry 4'x8' sheets of these at reasonable costs.

What do other people use as a substitute for stainless, any thoughts / input would be greatly appreciated!
Not sure if you're going for a certain look. My lab has 4x8 plastic sheet stock on the walls above the sinks and lab benches. Will never deteriorate at least.
I was wondering how those panels would hold up to the hot liquid. I almost purchased them but decided to do some searching first I didn't find too much detail on them.
FRP , fiberglass reinforced panels. I know home Creepo sells them. Fairly easy to install.

This is what I used behind my electric brewery. Its easy to clean granted I didn't have boiling liquid blast it but I don't think it would melt or warp it.
A while back I redid the vinyl floors in our kitchen with some laminate flooring. The previous installers didn't glue the old vinyl down, but just stapled around the edges of the room. When I pulled it up I saved a big hunk and glued it down to a 4x8 sheet of chip board from the bargain bin at the store. Works great, not what I would do in my next house/new and improved brewery, but for the time being super cheap and functional. Just an idea though.

Ah crap re-read your post, you are probably looking for something a little more high-class than what I did.
Why not just some ceramic tiles? Can be mounted on diagonal for effect. Pick it up cheap at discount building supply places.
lots of options really.... Anything sold for use in a kitchen will work pretty well.... I have an electric brewery and brew in a bedroom but have occasionally had splatter end up on the walls or floor (and of course some steam that the DIY hood might miss).... They are painted with gloss latex so its always just wiped right up without an issue... I am using wood underlayment for the surface area of my kettles now but intend on picking up some closeout ceramic tile (the 6" x 24" planks) just to dress things up and make cleanup easier.
FRP is very strong stuff. I use it and it will easily stand up to a hot blast of wort. My brother uses them in a lot of commercial applications in new building construction and no complaints so far. Just prep the surface well and use a good glue.
I thought about doing ceramic but really like the idea of using a solid sheet of something instead.

Lots of support for the FRP - that was what i was looking at originally as well. I'm calling around again looking for cheap aluminum / steel if i can't find it i'll go with the FRP
Hands down - FRP - for cost and ease of installation. We put them in all of our commercial kitchen and brewery applications.
I ended up getting a great deal on 20 gauge galvanized panels, they look great and are very rigid. I'll post some pics once i get them in place but i'm very happy with them so far.
If there is a metal recycling place near you, or a place that handles sheet steel you can go in and ask if they have any drop pieces of stainless. Drop is just basically a piece that was cut from a larger piece, and/or is an odd dimension. They will usually sell it for scrap price. My work bench in my garage was less then 100 for stainless.
I hadn't thought of that but it would have been a great idea!