"Sugar Wine" (Kilju)

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Jan 26, 2008
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Hey, I'm making some sugar liquor at my house and i plan to distill it after fermentation. Im going to use a simple pressure cooker still to destill it in to a more potent poison. I have a couple of questions for any on eexperienced in this area of homebrewing. I was wondering how much liqour will i be getting back per gallon of wash/must. And when should i stop heating the must to where it stops evaporating into liqiud.
The kilju i have uses:
5 cups of sugar
3 quarts of water
1 lemon
and 1 3/4 teaspoon of Red Star baking yeast
Im letting it ferment in a bucket with a spicket about an inch from the bottom of the bucket to prevent some of the dead yeast from comming out when i empty the bucket. Ill see if i can get a picture.
So restating the questions
How much return will i get from the original must in gallons Orig:End
When should i stop heating the still? Can i have some signs to know when to stop or the time it takes to distill in relationship to gallons.

Thanks guys
LiquorTastesGood said:
5 cups of sugar
3 quarts of water
1 lemon
and 1 3/4 teaspoon of Red Star baking yeast
There's a name for this concoction: hooch.

There's a name for its distilled counterpart: moonshine.

Distilling is illegal, and we don't discuss it here. Please feel free to discuss making real wine, beer, cider, or mead, but don't be surprised when this particular thread is closed to further discussion.
as far as i know personal consumption of this "hooch" is legal.
And being as im married to someone in the police force im pretty sure its legal in my state for personal cosumption. So anyone who doesnt feel like being a negative dick, i would greatly appreciate some advice.
LiquorTastesGood said:
as far as i know personal consumption of this "hooch" is legal.
And being as im married to someone in the police force im pretty sure its legal in my state for personal cosumption. So anyone who doesnt feel like being a negative dick, i would greatly appreciate some advice.

No one was being a dick, so don't be so rude bro. He said just discuss beer, wine, cider, or mead...not liquor. Chill out.
LiquorTastesGood said:
as far as i know personal consumption of this "hooch" is legal.
And being as im married to someone in the police force im pretty sure its legal in my state for personal cosumption. So anyone who doesnt feel like being a negative dick, i would greatly appreciate some advice.

Ask your police officer wife if distillation is legal in Texas or anywhere else in the US. And no name calling, please. You were just being told (I think in a nice way) that most of us live in the US and since it is illegal in the US we don't discuss it. There are distillation forums out there if you'd like to only talk about distilling.

If you want to talk about wine, beer, mead, or cider, feel free.
Distillation IS legal for personal use without a lisence, im basically making a very crude rum. So besides legallity issues can anyone shine some light on my questions?
LiquorTastesGood said:
Distillation IS legal for personal use without a lisence, im basically making a very crude rum. So besides legallity issues can anyone shine some light on my questions?

Yeah, its not legal. Sorry dude.
LiquorTastesGood said:
Distillation IS legal for personal use without a lisence, im basically making a very crude rum. So besides legallity issues can anyone shine some light on my questions?

No, it isn't. No where in the US is it legal. We don't discuss illegal activities. Check the laws (google would do it).
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