Stuck fermentation with Holiday stout

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Sep 15, 2010
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Baltimore MD
I brewed a 13 gallon batch with about 26lbs (Marris Otter and wheat and specialty grains) of grain to make a stout. Mashed at 155 for an hour and sparged at 163. Used a White labs british ale yeast in a one liter starter. Fast primary fermentation for about 5 days. The OG was 1.048, I think because the mash was high, I wanted the beer to have a heavier body.
After 10 days I got 1.020 while fermenting at 67 degrees. I got maybe 1.019-8 five days later and 1.018 five days later. It tastes fine and has a good body but I don't usually stay so high on FG.
Mash ph was 5.2 and I usually get 5.5.
Any ideas if I should do anything or why this stayed higher FG?
Thank you for your help.
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That sounds about right if you mashed at 155ish. I'm surprised it dropped below 1.020, actually, assuming the higher mash temp like that and probably some dark (less fermentable) grains.
Thank you. I was wondering if that was the case as it was 17lbs MO and a lot of specialty ingredients. In the sample I tried it tasted fine and had good body so I achieved the goal but it winds up being a 4% beer. I will try more of the MO and less specialty grains next time and do 153-4 degrees to get the ABV up.