Hi everyone, I have 2 gal of campden-sterilized pressed apple cider that has been sitting in the secondary for 2 months now. It had a great primary fermentation with safale s-04 and fermented to dryness. I've had great success with other bathches. About 3 weeks ago the airlock dried out (DOH) and I topped it up with vodka.
Since then the cider has developed a strange white speckly film on the surface. There is a slight sheen to it. It's not growing or turning into a "mother", and there isn't a vinegary odor coming off - compared to the cider vin we have from the supermarket. In fact it smells pleasant like regular fermenting cider. It almost looks like what happens when I've added yeast to an over-sulfited batch - but all the yeast should be dormant in the lees.
My first guess was that something aerobic got in, and I'd hoped for acetobacter, so I replaced the airlock with cheesecloth a week ago. But since then the little specs have just increased in density. No other changes.
I've done my homework online and consulted a few books but I'm stumped.
What do you guys think is going on?
Is it aceto, brett, a film yeast, or something else?
Should it grow into a big blob
How long does aceto take to work its magic and make things smell like vinegar?
See pics attached..
Thanks a lot.
Since then the cider has developed a strange white speckly film on the surface. There is a slight sheen to it. It's not growing or turning into a "mother", and there isn't a vinegary odor coming off - compared to the cider vin we have from the supermarket. In fact it smells pleasant like regular fermenting cider. It almost looks like what happens when I've added yeast to an over-sulfited batch - but all the yeast should be dormant in the lees.
My first guess was that something aerobic got in, and I'd hoped for acetobacter, so I replaced the airlock with cheesecloth a week ago. But since then the little specs have just increased in density. No other changes.
I've done my homework online and consulted a few books but I'm stumped.
What do you guys think is going on?
Is it aceto, brett, a film yeast, or something else?
Should it grow into a big blob
How long does aceto take to work its magic and make things smell like vinegar?
See pics attached..
Thanks a lot.