Stillwater Artisnal Stateside Saison = Win

Homebrew Talk

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Had this last night; great beer. Just the right amount of american hops to make it an american saison, but not overly hoppy. Still hoppier than a typical saison. Also higher alcohol than a typical saison at 6.8%. I really enjoyed this beer.

I have Saison all grain kit arriving this week from NB. Now I'm inspired to make it more interesting. More pilsner malt and maybe some american hops?

Wow! Just shared one of these with my wife last night with dinner... was a very tasty brew! Color was bright yellow with a golden orange hue, and a lacy white head. Hopping was probably in the 25 - 30 IBU range? ...nothing bitter left on the palate. Really liked the grains used in this brew. Bought it over in Anacortes, WA last year and aged it another 9 months so thinking it must have been at least a year old. Inspiring me to start brewing some farmhouse saisons!! Saved the dregs so will see if I can start a culture from it. Also got a Boulevard Tank 7 to sample that was put away at the same time.