St Pattys Day...

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Feb 5, 2008
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I wanted to make a irish stout but i think it would take too long. i decided instead to make a red ale. anyone got a great extract recipe? anyone ever thought to make irish green ale?
i am looking at brewing an irish red or a chocolate stout myself.will prbally brew this weekend if i get my order from ahbs in the next day or two. i will have to flip a coin because i ordered both. as far as dying it green real irishmen don't drink green beer.
I have a great Irish Red Rye Ale EG recipe that I can post in about 90 minutes when I get home.
Here is what I have and made several times:

Irish Red Rye

7 lbs. Amber LME
8 oz. 60°L Crystal Malt
8 oz. Rye
8 oz. Flaked Barley
½ oz. Northern Brewer 45 minutes
½ oz. Northern Brewer 30 minutes
½ oz. Cascade 15 minutes
½ oz. Cascade 5 minutes
1 vial Liquid Irish ale yeast

5¼ gallons
OG: 1.053
FG: 1.010
SRM: ~14
IBU: 18
ABV: 5.6

Start by steeping grains at 156°F for 30 minutes in 1 gallon of water. Sparge with another 1 gallon at 170°F. Start boil bring initial water volume to 3 gallons. Boil 15 minutes and add ½ oz. Northern Brewer pellets. Boil 15 minutes and add ½ oz. Northern Brewer pellets. Boil 15 minutes and take off heat. Add LME. Bring to a boil and add ½ oz. Cascade pellets. Boil 10 minutes add ½ oz. Cascade pellets. Boil for 5 minutes. Turn off heat. Cool wort and strain into fermenter. At 70°F, pitch yeast. Primary ferment for 7 days. Rack to secondary and ferment for 14 days. Rack to keg and force carbonate.

Good luck,
Red ales are nice beers, so do one if you like. However, if you still want to do a stout, you have plenty of time for a dry one. Just keep the OG under control.

I currently have a BB Irish Stout in primary that when I bottle the plan is to add a couple of cups of Irish Mist whiskey to it. I plan on sharing this with friends and patrons at our Irish Pub St. Pat's Day.
i am in fact brewing this weekend and i think i will brew both since my bmc friends wont like the stout. o well more for me haha. thanks for the sugesstions and recipes
has anyone ever put some whiskey in there beer before bottling? howd it turn out?
That's why I'm only adding a couple of cups to five gal. and hopefully it will work out. I used Guinness as a test bed and the flavor was GREAT! Hopefully it will be even better in a homebrewed stout.
It's pretty close. Color depends on how big a boil you do.

here it is. it's a 90 min boil.

6.4lbs of amber malt extract
1lb of crystal malt
8oz of pale malt
1.5 oz of french strisselspalt hops 3% alpha at 90 mins
3/4 of an oz of mt. hood 6% alpha also at 90 mins
1/2 oz of santiam hops with 5 mins left
1/3oz santiam for dry hoppong
1/4 tsp of irish moss at 10 to 15 mins left
and either german altbier or german ale yeast.

strain out the sparge hops, cool it to the appropriate temp put it in the primary and bring your volume up to 5 gallons, pitch the yeast at 70 degrees. let it sit for at least a week or until fermentation is donew, then rack to the secondary and add the dry hopping pellets(1/3 oz of santiam). If you have the facilities celler the beer for about two weeks at around 55 degrees and then bottle or keg it however you like.