Spot the Space Station

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Man, Blue Origin launch attempt was a total cluster-eff. One delay after another with little explanation if any why each occurred before they said "Screw this!" and quit because they weren't going to make the window in time. Bleh.

Meanwhile, SpaceX doesn't like the weather at sea so their launch is moved to Wednesday with their window opening at 5 PM EST...
Very close here...

Screenshot_20250113_190151_Sky Map.jpg
lol! Ok, so first, I misread that table and took Boise's times as Boston's. Hence the moon was down in the trees when I posted earlier.
Wondering why you were still putting images up, I just checked that page again. DOH!

So I run out on the deck and a great big bright as all F moon is almost straight up and it was still covering Mars by a scoche.
Way too bright for my phone to do anything useful, and it really challenged my mild astigmatism with flaring.

Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right? ;)
Wow nice job guys.

The worst night to take a pic of the moon is during full moon. The sun is so direct on it, the cool features are muted. Best shots, are before and after.

I have a 5" newtonian but haven't gotten my camera attached to it (yet).
Getting my camera on my 6" Newtonian is still on my list.
I did get the telescope out for the eclipse; just need a better solar filter. Also on my list to make--I have the bits ready.
I was chuffed that the clouds parted beautifully just after the 9:26 occultation time. Up to then they wispy sheets of ISO increasing annoyance kept wafting/breaking over the area.

Jupiter was pretty intense also but with a zoom lens of meager diameter there's almost no point (I think the red spot is not prominent enough without enough aperture/magnification; and certainly not without a sturdy tripod).
I've had crap seeing over the past 2 weeks, literally due to the fact that I got a dedicated planetary camera for Christmas I'm sure of it.. had one night to do a test run which went ok but have a ton to learn.. last night I got to peer through clouds at the moon/mars conjunction but wasn't clear enough to get the scope out. I did get a look at the grs a few weeks back but wasn't very clear. Sometime soon I hope for a clear night with better seeing so I can lock down some images with my new camera.
Wow nice job guys.

The worst night to take a pic of the moon is during full moon. The sun is so direct on it, the cool features are muted. Best shots, are before and after.

I have a 5" newtonian but haven't gotten my camera attached to it (yet).


I think I'm gonna need a bigger boat telescope

So I totally missed the Blue Origin New Glenn launch but here's a playable recording (such as it is - Blue Origin is a long way from the current state of the art of end-to-end flight coverage provided by SpaceX). Jump to 1:54:00 and you can hear what sounds like pumps winding up (turns out it was an APU), followed by what has to be the slowest liftoff of all time!

rain all day where I am in TN, without my scope, so someone else will have to pick up the observational slack for me