Sous vide question

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Wow this thread filled up fast!

I think you can sous vide in your BK just fine. As long as you pre-heat the kettle water, even with the bag sitting on the element, I doubt it would melt. That said, I would keep them off it if possible. I've weighted bags with river stones, but spoons work too. A little kitchen twine and you can hang them off the side, tied to the handle. Easy to pull them out.
I used my MLT with RIMS for sous vide a few times before i just bought a stick. Was too much effort to set up and break down for the amount of food i normally cook.

I suppose if i was going to try to sous vide an entire rib roast i might use the MLT again. But now that i've sous vided every protein out there i know it's an over hyped method for most proteins, notably steak.
This is my sous fide setup. I bought this thing from wallyworld/target/whoKnowsWhere. It sits over my heating element to protect the bag/food from scorching on the element.


Here is the last time I used it in my 20 gal boil kettle. The red "circle" points out the re-circulation pump. My wife and I took a trip to Austin and went to Franklin's. The line was so damn long that we bought a pre-cooked/vacuum sealed brisket and went to another place with a shorter yet still obnoxious line. The instructions were for oven baked or sous fide, so I went for the juicier method and it was worth it.

Glad I found this thread. I bought a large turkey and intend to separate the dark from white and sous vide them separately in my brew kettles.

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