Sous-vide magnet dry hop problem

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Nov 28, 2024
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Hello, forum. Yet another question from me.
I use sous-vide magnets and muslin bags to dry hop my beer, since i prefer to do relatively small batches, so oxydation could be an issue for me. But i've stuck with a problem.

I going to do 2 dry hop charges, first one at 2-3 day of fermentation for 2 days (point is to get some biotransformation and to scrub some highly volatile terpenes like myrcene to make those biotransformed substances shine) and the second charge 3 days prior bottling with hops that are low in survivable compounds.

But, as far as i know, dry hop contact time should be restricted to ~3 days because extracted polyphenols could lead to hop burn and astringent bitterness.

So, the question is, what to do with the first hop charge?
Should i bite the bullet and let it sit for ~10 days or should i open my fermentation bucket and pull the bag out?
I guess the second option is better since fermetation is going on at it's best, so any oxygen will be quickly metabolized by yeast.
But i am looking for your advice, since experience says more than pure theory.

Thank in advance, fellow brewers!
Not that I ever tried it myself, but you could keep your first charge attached to the magnet and slide the first charge down, and when you want to ”remove” it slide the magnet up over the liquid level. In theory it should work.

I would not open the fermenter to pull the first charge up, it would defeat the purpose of doing it closed to begin with.
Not that I ever tried it myself, but you could keep your first charge attached to the magnet and slide the first charge down, and when you want to ”remove” it slide the magnet up over the liquid level. In theory it should work.

I would not open the fermenter to pull the first charge up, it would defeat the purpose of doing it closed to begin with.
Unfortunately, sous-vide magnets are strong, but not so strong to pull back a bag full of wet hops.
Maybe a retrieval string (think: dental floss) through the airlock hole, or so, could work?
Always try out on a dummy set up to iron out any potential flaws.
Actually, i thought about it, gonna give it a try next time. I guess, everything will work just fine, i'll later post some images + prons and cons
I have also lowered and then later raised muslin bags with magnets. I use larger bags and have 2 sets of magnets, one on each side of the bag so that they are separated from each other. I then carefully ease it down and up carefully on the right and left side of the bags.
I always do this. Sous vide magnet inside the bag and an old harddrive magnet on the outside.
When you raise the hops do it slowly to let them drain as you raise them.
I keep the bag attached to the magnet when lowering in as well.
Then I can swish the hops about to improve extraction.
So, the question is, what to do with the first hop charge?
What style and how big is the dry hop? More and more I have started adding my dry hops for Pale Ales and West Coast Pilsners early in fermentation (say day 2 or 3), but I am talking about around 2 oz of hops. Dry hopping early also leads to a more clear beer, which helps with these styles as well.

It seems that most people recommend big whirlpool additions to drive biotransformation and skip the active fermentation dry hop for hazies.
What style and how big is the dry hop? More and more I have started adding my dry hops for Pale Ales and West Coast Pilsners early in fermentation (say day 2 or 3), but I am talking about around 2 oz of hops. Dry hopping early also leads to a more clear beer, which helps with these styles as well.

It seems that most people recommend big whirlpool additions to drive biotransformation and skip the active fermentation dry hop for hazies.
It's going to be NEIPA. 2 oz AFDH. I guess i'll do a fishing line trick, since it's thin and relatively durable.