Hi im trying my first move into using grain instead of extract/steep and am planing to make a smoked stout using a partial mash/ extract method and am wondering thoughts on the recipe. It is a 5 gallon batch using a partial boil. The recipe is:
1 kg Extra light DME (23.3%)
1kg light DME (23.3%)
0.5kg Wheat DME (11.6%)
0.3kg biscuit malt (6.8%)
0.3kg Flaked oats (6.8%)
0.4kg Flaked barley (9.1%)
0.1Kg Peated malt (2.3%)
0.4kg Roasted barley (6.8%)
0.3kg Chocolate malt (6.8%)
0.2kg Crystal rye (6.8%)
Using brewers friend this gives a predcited abv of ~5% i would like to make it a little stronger just incase of poor conversion so it ends up around 5-5.5% and am not sure what other malts to consider or what ones to increase. May not use peated malt if its not available but i would swap for another smoked malt, is this percentage too high. Probably use an english ale yeast but am open to suggestions. Hop wise i havent decided but will probably use a neutral aroma bittering hop with a high alpha acid content. Again im quite new to this so any suggestions are welcome. Also is there any benifits using both flaked oats and barley or should i just stick to one of them.
1 kg Extra light DME (23.3%)
1kg light DME (23.3%)
0.5kg Wheat DME (11.6%)
0.3kg biscuit malt (6.8%)
0.3kg Flaked oats (6.8%)
0.4kg Flaked barley (9.1%)
0.1Kg Peated malt (2.3%)
0.4kg Roasted barley (6.8%)
0.3kg Chocolate malt (6.8%)
0.2kg Crystal rye (6.8%)
Using brewers friend this gives a predcited abv of ~5% i would like to make it a little stronger just incase of poor conversion so it ends up around 5-5.5% and am not sure what other malts to consider or what ones to increase. May not use peated malt if its not available but i would swap for another smoked malt, is this percentage too high. Probably use an english ale yeast but am open to suggestions. Hop wise i havent decided but will probably use a neutral aroma bittering hop with a high alpha acid content. Again im quite new to this so any suggestions are welcome. Also is there any benifits using both flaked oats and barley or should i just stick to one of them.