The only smash I’ve done was an APA with Briess brewers and mosaic. It turned out pretty good. I was thinking of trying a different combo soon using Weyerman Munich 1 and centennial. What do you guys like for a smash APA?
I have used the online “Beer Blender” to get a few recipes. Entering Smash with Maris otter, and Centennial hops got the following:. I also want to try smash recipes with MO and Vienna. Maybe MO and centennial?
I personally wouldn't do a SMaSH with Magnum or Tettnanger.
While I've never used Magnum for anything other than bittering, I have used Tettnanger as a late-addition hop before (though I think the latest I've ever added Tettnanger was around 10 minutes). It wasn't in a SMaSH and it didn't taste bad by any means (I do like Tettnanger's flavor), but for SMaSH beers, I generally try to draw the characteristics of the specific hop out as much as possible, which is just something I've never considered doing with Magnum or Tettnanger. With the "late" addition of Tettnanger, it was much more restrained and kind of in the background than most hops I'd use there. I'm sure you could make excellent lagers with just Pilsner malt and just Magnum or Tettnanger. It's just not what I'd personally use.I totally would! With pilsner malt and lager yeast. Mind the Magnum IBU's of course and bias the majority of it to go in late, but agreed with what was mentioned - it actually has a nice taste and smell.
I use it mostly for bittering, same with most people, but it can do more than just this.
If you have some in the future, crush a pellet in your fingers, put a lager in your mind, and then give the magnum a smell.
MO and Citra is a very good comboAll I have in the freezer at the moment is centennial, chinook, mosaic, magnum and about an ounce of tettnang. I probably won’t restock for a month or two, so trying to use what I’ve got. I also want to try smash recipes with MO and Vienna. Maybe MO and centennial?