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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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This Simcoe shortage is stressing me out since it is by far my favorite and most used hop variety. I am now rationing my stash and looking for ways to extend it. FWH, and dry hopping perhaps.

I wonder if anyone has been able to approximate this hop with a combination? Chinook +? for example or Citra + ?

Had I known I would not have brewed all those Simcoe SMaSH IPAs this year... hindsight...

Steve da sleeve
So it's your fault we're short....haha.

I haven't noticed it in my area. I'm able to get pretty much everything, although simcoe has to be in leaf hops, and I hate using them since they clog my boil..
I was discussing this matter with a local brewer the other day and he suggested that a 40-60 blend of chinook + centennial would be what he'd use as an approximation. Haven't tested it myself yet though; he also suggested that I avoid going heavy on Citra, as that should soon be running low as well.
Thanks man I ordered me some! Amarillo also is short but for that I sub Cascade with no terrible effects. I am still rationing my Simcoe since it is still the only hop I can't do without.

On a different note - topic I mean - anyone use US magnum for FWH? I am trying it next week I think.
From what I've seen Simcoe, Amarillo and Citra are, for the most part, history until this year's crop, if even then. Time will tell. Unless you have an abundant supply it's time to try different options like Centennial, Cascade, CTZ (Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus), Chinook, Galena, Summit, Ahtanum, Horizon, Perle, Warrior, even some of the Nobel hops... All of which make fine beers by the way. Cheers!!!
I ordered Simcoe from Farmhouse brewing supply and just ordered Amarillo from I should be set for the summer - which is IPA season (actually it is always IPA season here!)

In the mean time I will be doing some SMaSH experiments on Warrior and Chinook.