Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale Clone?

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Apr 18, 2012
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I've been searching and can't find a recipe. Has anyone been able to find one or is there a pumpkin/fall beer similar out there?

I know some of you love it and others hate it. I know some of you think other are better. Please leave it for other threads. It seems like every thread I've read about this beer turns into a love it/hate it fight.

Not looking for better - looking for similar,
thanks to all in advance
The only thing I am pretty sure about for this beer that might be helpful is that they don't actually use any pumpkin, but just use their spice schedule to get the pumpkin/pie taste. I actually like this beer a lot, although I felt that last seasons was a weaker offering than the three or four years prior...
They use only pumpkin pie spices like cinnamon nutmeg ginger. No real pumpkin at all as the other poster mentioned.

Also shipyard uses ringwood yeast. Add the spices that you choose with like 5 min or less left in the boil.
Reviving an old thread but I was just on their website and they say their Pumpkin Head beer is a Wheat beer and the grain bill is:

2 Row British Pale
Malted Wheat
Light Munich

Hallertau and Willamette

OG: 1.048

For what it is worth.....
That and pumpkin pie spice. No actual pumpkin in the beer.

Also if you are a fan of the Pumpkinhead, go out and find their "Smashed Pumpkin" beer which is basically Pumpkinhead on steroids.