Sexual harrasment or mental cruelty?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2008
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She's a sound lass this woman at work. I know i can say pretty much anything to her and she will give back as good as I give.

She is a horse owner and naturally obsessive about them. (We all know it's only because of how it moistens them up downstairs) Anyways. Yesterday, I asked her if she would like some fresh meat inside her for a change. "Er, yeah! Why?" She replied......"Because I want to shoot your horse and make a nice pot roast." I said

All of a sudden, her humour node got somehow bypassed. She was polite but not friendly. (Although she is over it now)

My question is, what will she try to sue me for? Sexual harassment? Hell, she is used to that from me. :) Or mental cruelty? Her husband has hardened her to that for years! Should I steal a bunch of flowers from a grave and feed them to her horse? Maybe I need to prove that her horse forgives me? :)
If she gives you any trouble, just make her an offer she can't refuse.

You should make it up to her. Ask her if you can take her out for a drink. When she accepts, ask her if she'd like a Dicken's Cider.

Thanks for reminding me of that one....she won't have heard it! I will work that into the conversation sneakier than a raccoon going for the bacon! ;)
I vote for both sexual harrasment and mental cruelty.

"Fresh meat inside of her" = sexual harrasment? Check.

"shoot your horse and make a nice pot roast" = mental cruelty? Check.

good luck in prison LGI :mug:
Now wait a friggin minute.

Didn't you say your work from home?

And live with just your Mother........

Oh! Now thats...... just, ........umm.

Just like you.

I vote Sexually cruel mental harassment.
Her humour node was probably bypasses because that joke wasn't funny. Forget about it and try again.
Her comeback to you should have been, "Oh yeah? Well the Jerk Store called and they're all out of YOU!"

Anyway, it sounds like your horsing around too much at work.
Sexual Harassment = Sexual Registant

Think hard ... arnt there plenty of chicks at the bar who would like some meat?
Usually a crack about a beloved pet, horse or dog or cat, that threatens it's life turns off the humor and invokes a defensive response. Even if you were joking threatening to kill her horse is not good. Especially since she is obsessive about it. No jokes were the health of that beloved creature will be tolerated. Sorta like a devout christian making fun of god. not good. Recomend a retractful statement with an offer to share your home brew with both her and her horse. If she declines on the horse's behalf then you can just say you wanted to make it up to the horse and ask for what would be a good food gift for it. Could turn into some other good jokes. Drunken horses, horse in bars, women and their horses, ect. But don't threaten it's life.
Horse walks into a bar, bartender says 'hey, why the long face?'

Horse says, 'Laughing Gnome Invisible.'
I think she just didn't get it the first time around. You should try telling her again. And if she still doesn't get it, then you might have to explain it to her. She sounds like she's a little dense if she doesn't get your humor.
Make it up to her........Invite her over for dinner. Surprise her with horse-meat sloppy-joes! Serve with potato chips & pickles.

  • 1 pound lean ground horse meat
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon prepared yellow mustard
  • 3/4 cup ketchup
  • 3 teaspoons brown sugar
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  1. In a medium skillet over medium heat, brown the ground horse, onion, and green pepper; drain off liquids.
  2. Stir in the garlic powder, mustard, ketchup, and brown sugar; mix thoroughly. Reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Before dinner give her a few home brews and put on this kool music. Horse Meat Disco


BTW - This is a good brand to use.


If you can't find this in the store, here you go.


You should make it up to her. Ask her if you can take her out for a drink. When she accepts, ask her if she'd like a Dicken's Cider.

Damn, that travels! I first heard of Dickens Cider when I was in AZ. Now I live in VA and worked with the folk who actually wrote that bit.
Silly Morning show DJs!
Ok, where I live it's now 4.36, so I know why I'm reading the "Drunken Ramblings" right now, but what time is it now in VA?
and... What the heck is VA?
It don't get much better than that!

Unless you can chase down some puttytat.

A menos que se puede perseguir a algunos puttytat.

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After searching in the wikipedia about "puttytat" I ended up learning anatomy.
How can this be posible?

I swear I wasn't looking for that right now!!! IT'S NOT ME!!

Tomorrow I will go to church and pray some whatevers.:tank:
Ok, and know I learned "********",
Why do I google everything i don't understand?
Just because I trust your wisdom, Schlenkerla