Sanitizing bottles - most efficient way?

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Active Member
Dec 20, 2024
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Seattle Area
Yesterday, I wrapped up my first bottling session. I have to say, it was definitely the worst part of this whole process. Hah!

I ran the bottles through the dishwasher on extra hot. Unfortunately, my dishwasher does not have a sanitize setting. So, I filled a 5 gallon bucket with a StarSan solution. It only fits 8 bottles at a time, and you can only put two in at once. Additionally, it takes quite a while to get them full of liquid, and it creates a ton of bubbles. Let them sit for a couple minutes, then remove and let air dry in the dishwasher.

Sanitizing took a very, very long time. And all of the bottles had bubbles in them after taking them out of the sanitizer, so I did end up giving them a rinse. I know you're not supposed to rinse StarSan off, so I'm hoping I didn't bork this first batch.

I'm looking at affordable, efficient ways to do this better next time. It seems like the best options in this space are:

1. Vintage Shop's Monster Washer + Bottle Tree
- Bonus is that I can sanitize my Fermonster using this as well.
- Only one bottle at a time.

2. Vintage Shop's 2-in-1 Washer + Bottle Tree
- 12 bottles at a time.
- Garden hose adapter, but don't know what I would use that for.
- Can be used for any size bottles

3. FastBrewing's FastRack
- Expandable
- Easy to use
- Terrible build quality
- Can only be used with 12oz bottles

I love Vintage Shop's build quality, and they've been doing this for a long time. I'd definitely rather go with one of their setups, but wondering which would be best. I don't really understand the garden hose hookup for their 2-in-1. I don't completely understand how it works. If it hooks up to a water line, where does the sanitizer solution come in?

I really, really like the FastRack system. It's driven by its own pump, it's expandable, and easy to use. But it has some terrible reviews, FastBrewing's website is 90% broken just like their products...

Thoughts? Experiences? Maybe a different method than I'm thinking of?
When I bottled I would place a 5 gallon bucket filled with cold Star San solution to the left of my bottling bucket, with my Super Agata bench capper to the right. I'd sink a dozen bottles in the Star San, then pull one out, drain it into the bucket, position it under the bottle filler and fill it with a foam hat, then cap it with my bench Super Agata bench capper. Repeat as many times as needed...

Cheers! ("Don't fear the foam!")
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And all of the bottles had bubbles in them after taking them out of the sanitizer, so I did end up giving them a rinse.
The bubbles don't hurt anything so just leave them be.

If you really want your sanitized bottles to be bubble-free and dry, bake them. Seal clean bottles with a bit of aluminum foil and stick them in the oven. Set at any temperature between 170 and 250 and let them go for at least 30 minutes. Turn the oven off and leave them in until cool.
I rinse my bottles as soon as I empty them and let them dry on the dish rack. I then put a piece of aluminium foil over the mouth of the bottle, crimp it and stick it in a six pack holder. Once I have about two and a half cases, I load them (in the holders) into a cool kitchen oven, set the temp for 180°F and turn it on. When it reaches temp, I give it 20 minutes, turn it off and leave it unopened overnight or until cool (it takes quite awhile). As long as the foil stays in place, these bottles are ready to go when you're ready to package your beer.

This is easier IMO as they are cleaned a few at a time, you don't have to use sanitizer, deal with bottle trees/racks etc. I've been using this method for years with no problems. Good luck!🍻
When I bottled I would place a 5 gallon bucket filled with cold Star San solution to the left of my bottling bucket, with my Super Agata bench capper to the right. I'd sink a dozen bottles in the Star San, then pull one out, drain it into the bucket, position it under the bottle filler and fill it with a foam hat, then cap it with my bench Super Agata bench capper. Repeat as many times as needed...

Cheers! ("Don't fear the foam!")
That’s pretty much what I did. It took so dang long though. Can’t just plop a bottle into the bucket because they’ll create an air lock and float.

Also, what is a foam hat?

I rinse my bottles as soon as I empty them and let them dry on the dish rack. I then put a piece of aluminium foil over the mouth of the bottle, crimp it and stick it in a six pack holder. Once I have about two and a half cases, I load them (in the holders) into a cool kitchen oven, set the temp for 180°F and turn it on. When it reaches temp, I give it 20 minutes, turn it off and leave it unopened overnight or until cool (it takes quite awhile). As long as the foil stays in place, these bottles are ready to go when you're ready to package your beer.

This is easier IMO as they are cleaned a few at a time, you don't have to use sanitizer, deal with bottle trees/racks etc. I've been using this method for years with no problems. Good luck!🍻

🤔 This might be a good solution. You’re only rinsing them before sanitizing in the oven, though? And what do you mean by crimping? I was thinking a rubber band to keep the foil in place or something.

I’m not sure how many bottles could fit in our standard 2 rack oven though. *Maybe* 24, if that.
I use FastRack. I happen to have three plus one tray. You can stack them full of bottles. They can work for large bottles, just not fully populated or bottles with too large a "collar".

The other part is a vinator. Fill the tub with water for extra thorough rinsing, and later fill with StarSan to sanitize on bottling day. Let drip in the FastRack until each is filled.
That’s pretty much what I did. It took so dang long though. Can’t just plop a bottle into the bucket because they’ll create an air lock and float.

Also, what is a foam hat?

🤔 This might be a good solution. You’re only rinsing them before sanitizing in the oven, though? And what do you mean by crihyhymping? I was thinking a rubber band to keep the foil in place or something.

I’m not sure how many bottles could fit in our standard 2 rack oven though. *Maybe* 24, if that.
Yep, just rinse well so no trub is left although if there is just a little there it won't matter. Crimp is just squeeze it tightly around the neck so it doesn't come off, no need for a band which might melt. I can get 10 six packs in mine laying 4 on their side stacked 2 high and 2 upright using one rack ln the low position. YMMV depending on inside oven dimension.
I have bottling for a long time. On bottling day my setup for sanitizing bottles is to use a Bottle Rinser made by Midwest Homebrewing and Winemaking Supplies. I fill it with a solution of Stansar then rinse each bottle 2-3 times. I place the wet bottles in a bottle tree to drain. Using both hands I can sanitize 30-40 16 oz bottles in 10-15 minutes. While they are draining I prepare my batch for bottling. The Bottle Rinser will begin to foam up so I place it in a dish pan to catch the foam overflow. Between the rinser and bottle tree I have about $40 invested.
After washing the bottles and letting them dry. I just use a good spray bottle filled with star san to spray the lip and inside. I then roll the bottle around to coat the insides well. After a few minutes dump it out and fill. I don't see sanitizing the outside of a clean bottle and a 5 gal batch only takes about a quart. It's also easier on the hands not dunking the bottles.
My bottle protocol basically involves strong hot water rinse following the pour and upside down storage in a fast rack until bottle day. Prior to bottle day the required number of bottles go to dishwasher for hot water rinse and dry and back to fast rack. As the bottle process proceeds, bottles are plunged in star san bucket, receive their priming charge, filled, and capped. Generally I avoid detergent except for pbw and an involved wash/rinse process that emphasize rinse, perhaps once a year.
Not overly onerious if you embrace the work as part of the brewing process.
Thankfully, my bottle days are over. In my head - bottling was the biggest dread, pain and annoying task in the process.

But... Back when I did bottle - I found that making sure you clean out the bottle after drinking was key to a smoother process. Drink you beer, fill the bottle with super hot water, halfway... Put your finger in the bottle and shake like crazy to remove the gunk and the yeast stain (natural carbing smudge). After that, sanitize cycle in dishwater and store. On bottling day, dip two bottles at a time in star San, fill it halfway, shake and store it in the dishwasher. Do that 20-25 more times so have enough bottles. Then fill 'em up with a custom diptube that has an " on/off" for allowing pour/flow to continue or shut off once you pull the tube out.

My main point ... Is be sure to clean the bottles after drinking. The process becomes much easier, though still a pain.
I use FastRack. I happen to have three plus one tray. You can stack them full of bottles. They can work for large bottles, just not fully populated or bottles with too large a "collar".

The other part is a vinator. Fill the tub with water for extra thorough rinsing, and later fill with StarSan to sanitize on bottling day. Let drip in the FastRack until each is filled.
To confirm, you're using just the FastRack drying racks, not the FastWasher? I failed to mention in my post that I was considering the FastWasher + FastRack. I suppose I could use the Monster Washer (like the Vinator) + FastRack.

So, what it sounds like is I could simply:
1. After emptying a bottle, thoroughly rinse and dry (or run through dishwasher), then cap with aluminum foil.
2. Sanitize on bottling day in the oven.
3. Let cool in a FastRack, bottle tower, or an empty clean dishwasher.

Since I don't necessarily need to sanitize with StarSan, I don't need to purchase any additional equipment to make the day go more smoothly and I can save some dough.

We don't have a huge kitchen, and this is where I'm bottling, so saving counter space is a huge bonus.

Any clear pros and cons of the FastRack versus bottle tower?
I only use the trays and do all of my own washing. I tried to buy the washer early on, but it was perennially out of stock. I have since found out it probably was not all that necessary given the protocol I follow. I have not had any issues with hygiene or infections occurring after the beer is bottled and capped. Again, as others have commented, immediate rinsing following the pour is essential to removing all trub medium for growth of nasties that lead to problems down the line. All packaging has its issues, kegs need to be cleaned and purged, tap lines require attention, etc. To me it is all about what you are willing to do bottle, keg, etc. and enjoy the fruits of the effort. The hobby would not be enjoyable without the effort, brew day and the cleanup, packaging, conditioning and storage, etc.
To confirm, you're using just the FastRack drying racks, not the FastWasher? I failed to mention in my post that I was considering the FastWasher + FastRack. I suppose I could use the Monster Washer (like the Vinator) + FastRack.


Any clear pros and cons of the FastRack versus bottle tower?

For me, probably that it was expandable by stacking upwards, and that I can store bottles in it until use.
When sanitizing bottles, I use two 15 gal muck buckets. I mix 5 gals of Starsan in one and then stand up as many bottles as will fit in the other one. Then I dip Starsan with a 1 gal plastic tea pitcher and pour it into each bottle until it overflows. After they stand full for 10 mins or so, I carefully empty each one back into the Starsan bucket to avoid as much bubbling as possible and then stand up the next batch and repeat. I drip them dry on a bottle tree. Takes about half an hour. Then I drop in fizz drops and fill straight from the tap on the fermenter and cap. I usually use liter bottles with big caps so it's not as many to deal with. Maybe 20 or so if I bottle the entire batch. Bottling does suck but sometimes they're just easier to transport and share.
Umm...just for clarity, can I backtrack a bit?;
Can’t just plop a bottle into the bucket because they’ll create an air lock and float.
Have you been putting your bottles in upside down?
When I bottled I just sunk mine in the bucket for a few minutes, pulled them out and put them to drain in my sprayed down dish-washer rack and then took the whole rack over to the table to bottle.
Before you spend money you don't need to spend, maybe just try actually filling and submersing the bottles. No big.

For me, probably that it was expandable by stacking upwards, and that I can store bottles in it until use.
Likewise, I use these racks as bottle storage after they have been rinsed prior to use and plunging prior to bottling.

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You’re making the process too difficult.

Forget the dishwasher. Beer stone and other crap builds up that your dishwasher can’t touch. Forget the oven. In the time it takes to heat and cool you could already be done bottling.

My process. On bottling day I boil my priming sugar solution. While it is cooling I clean my bottles using One Step with a brush mounted in my drill, rinse and put on my bottle tree. Then I sanitize with a few squirts from my sanitizer injector. By then my priming sugar solution is cool enough to use. I rack my beer, bottle and clean.

All told my bottling day takes about two hours.
I used one of those pumper style bottle rinsers/washers.

Bottles previously washed so it was just a matter of putting a bottle on the rinser filled with Starsan solution, give a few pumps, then placed the sanitized bottle upside down in a clean pail having an inch or so of Starsan in the bottom.

Pull a bottle out, fill it, cap it.

When the bucket of bottles is empty, rinse/sanitize another load.
I suppose I could use the Monster Washer (like the Vinator) + FastRack.
That's the combo I use. You can also use the monster washer/vinator and put them in the dishwasher rack to stage for filling. The fast racks are just convenient places to store empty bottles as you use and rinse anyway.

I fail to see how the other options you list would perform a sanitizing function. How do you propose to push sanitizer into the 2-in-1 rinser?
Umm...just for clarity, can I backtrack a bit?;

Have you been putting your bottles in upside down?
When I bottled I just sunk mine in the bucket for a few minutes, pulled them out and put them to drain in my sprayed down dish-washer rack and then took the whole rack over to the table to bottle.
Before you spend money you don't need to spend, maybe just try actually filling and submersing the bottles. No big.

Haha no. Filling and submerging. But it takes a long time for enough to get in there, plus it's messy.

For my next bottling session, I'm going to run all the bottles through the dishwasher, then through the oven at 200ºF or so for 30 minutes. I wonder if my dishwasher technically gets above 150ºF, because it does have a high heat option.
Am I living dangerously? I rinse my bottles as soon as they are poured, and leave them alone until there's 24 or so. Then I soak them in the sink with hot water and oxiclean for a few minutes, rinse them out, hold them to the light and look inside, if there's any gunk still stuck inside, I toss the bottle in the recycling bin, otherwise, I give it a couple spritzes of starsan from the spray bottle, and store them upside down in the box, with clean paper towels lining the bottom of the box.
Am I living dangerously? I rinse my bottles as soon as they are poured, and leave them alone until there's 24 or so. Then I soak them in the sink with hot water and oxiclean for a few minutes, rinse them out, hold them to the light and look inside, if there's any gunk still stuck inside, I toss the bottle in the recycling bin,
If rinsing the bottles as soon as they are poured, there shouldn't be any gunk inside, correct?
That is what I do, empty the bottle, rinse with hot water and drain in a FastRack.
When ready to bottle, I soak in PBW, rinse and submerge in Starsan
If rinsing the bottles as soon as they are poured, there shouldn't be any gunk inside, correct?
Well, some times I'm a bit inebriated after pouring a third bottle, and forget to rinse. Also, a couple of different friends give me their bottles to re-use, and they aren't always great about the post-pour rinse either, so it's definitely worth double-checking after each bottle gets a good oxiclean bath and swirl/shake/rinse.
After drinking bottles of beer I rinse them out, 2 rinses and a shake. Then let them drain upside down till the next day, when I put them away in a cardboard case box.

On bottling day I gather enough bottles for a batch, dunk them a few at a time in a bucket of Starsan, and set them all to drain in Fast Rack trays. Then bottle.
After drinking bottles of beer I rinse them out, 2 rinses and a shake. Then let them drain upside down till the next day, when I put them away in a cardboard case box.

On bottling day I gather enough bottles for a batch, dunk them a few at a time in a bucket of Starsan, and set them all to drain in Fast Rack trays. Then bottle.
This is exactly what I do to sanitize bottles....
Haha no. Filling and submerging. But it takes a long time for enough to get in there, plus it's messy.

For my next bottling session, I'm going to run all the bottles through the dishwasher, then through the oven at 200ºF or so for 30 minutes. I wonder if my dishwasher technically gets above 150ºF, because it does have a high heat option.
Umm... I do a case or 2 in less than 20 minutes and don't have hot bottles to deal with... I really don't see how you're saving any time. If you don't like getting your hands wet, just wear gloves. Did I fail to properly describe my simple process?:
-5G bucket containing 3G or so of Star San next to the dishwasher. -spray dishwasher and tray. -sink 6-8 bottles at a time - put bottles upside down in dishwaher rack to drip. - prepare bottling bucket and capping area. - carry tray of ready to go bottles to bottling area. By the time your bottles are finishing the dishwasher cycle, I'd have half or all of mine filled and capped!
Maybe I'm just a rube, but last time I bottled (over a decade) I used my bathtub. Soaked them in there for a bit, dump and shake dry, put in box. Bottled shortly afterwards. I have a picture on my phone, but it's just a bunch of bottles in a tub, not real exciting!

To clean, I also used the bathtub. One time there was a bunch of mushy labels that came off (oxiclean), and the wife was not happy, but that only happened the first time with the bottles.
last time I bottled (over a decade) I used my bathtub
That was 40 years ago for me, along with a lot of other foolish things I did when I was young. OP doesn’t have one, but I now use the dishwasher sanitize cycle. I run it through a rinse cycle empty first. Then I load it up with bottles and do the whole sanitizing cycle with no soap. It’s been working fine for about 6 years now.