Had a brew day yesterday with two friends and my oldest son, making our batches for a group barrel brew. This batch is an RIS, hit our OG spot on (1.100) We've got a porter in the barrel now, we'll empty it in early May and serve one keg of it at the AHA conference - stop by the Brewers of South Suburbia booth on club night if you want to try it or seven other barrel-aged beers we're bringing.
Then we'll put the RIS in the barrel and let it sit for a year-ish. The barrel began its life as a Jim Beam barrel, then was used by Goose Island once for a Barleywine before I got it.
For the RIS, we used a yeast slurry from a local brewery, Hailstorm. It was the San Diego strain and that stuff is dynamite. Pitched it at 5 pm yesterday and by 5 am today, I needed to empty out the blow-off jug and clean the blow-off tubing. It just exploded.